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nonlawyer t1_j0z9vyl wrote

I believe I have a solution for this “controversy:”

Parents who are concerned about their children attending drag queen story hour should not bring their children to drag queen story hour

There, that should solve it.

(Unless of course all this noise isn’t actually about “protecting children” at all.)


CMDR-ProtoMan t1_j100ljt wrote

> Unless of course all this noise isn’t actually about “protecting children” at all.

It's not and never was about the children, because if that were really the case, the catholic church would be getting protested at all the time


Firebird12301 t1_j10bg0h wrote

Some of those protesters likely don’t even have kids. That was a recurring theme at a lot of school board protests where some of the people showing up didn’t even have children in the district.


Gb_packers973 t1_j10essv wrote

Yea i really dont see the difference between this and dragging kids to see an R rated film.

Who cares if parents want to expose their kids to different or adult topics - its allowed.

Now physical risk or injury? Thats a different story


Halfhand84 t1_j12je2s wrote

These people are dangerous and delusional and need close monitoring, preferably inside a jail cell.

Mark my words, more innocent people are going to get killed if this city and this nation don't come down hard on the right wing hate groups and start making some scary examples.

How many more have to die needlessly?


GothamGumby t1_j0za48o wrote

Agreed. Similar to if the class is doing a holiday party activity that doesn't align with your beliefs, keep the kid out of class, school for that day


nonlawyer t1_j0zbmio wrote

I mean fair, but this is even further removed from that example since it’s at a library on a Saturday, not during school, so it’s super easy to just… not go


GothamGumby t1_j0zegq7 wrote

Oh I thought this was a school library. Yeah I just wouldn't take my kids there if it is offensive. It's like me being Muslim and being outraged at the Rockefeller center tree lighting. If it isn't my beliefs I don't need to involve myself in it


BiblioPhil t1_j0zpd98 wrote

I'm not sure how similar that really is.

This isn't in a school where children legally need to attend, and it isn't a religious event.