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hoffmanmclaunsky t1_j14t6fz wrote

As a Giants fan, I'm pretty shocked and pretty bummed. I can handle not getting a free agent. But getting him then the deal falling through the day they're supposed to have the presser is just so bad.


SumyungNam t1_j14nq99 wrote

Is he that good? I guess for a short stop that's some great stats


Guypussy t1_j14q6u7 wrote

He’s quite prone to months-long stints on the DL, and he won’t play SS for the Mets, he’ll play third.


SumyungNam t1_j14r7i6 wrote

Seems overpaid to me, as a third baseman for his stats



Even though the Mets will play him at third, they gotta pay him like a shortstop because other teams would use him/pay him as their SS.


ctindel t1_j154z3d wrote

I guess he and Escobar will share the spot maybe when they take turns getting injured?

Will be great to see Guillorme get more time next season too.


cogginsmatt t1_j1621dt wrote

Considered by some to be one of the best shortstops in the league. Won a WS with the Astros. Has a tendency to get injured but he’s good on offense and defense, which for the Mets is a huge improvement. Worth about 5 wins above replacement on average.

Is he overpaid? Probably, but so was pretty much every free agent shortstop in the last 2-3 years. It’s a really limited market, and Correa is seen as one of the better players in that market. Considering what the Giants offered him, you could say the Mets got a deal?


SumyungNam t1_j1642x7 wrote

But if he's playing third for like 280 20 hr and 70 rbi that kinda sucks...if he was playing short or catcher it would be great lol...compared to SF yea the Mets got a much better deal...hope he stays healthy and productive...they gave him Aaron judge money almost


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