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Silver-Hat175 t1_j1glrd2 wrote

The party in charge at midterms always underprerforms. That is how politics in America works and the Democrats did much better than all projections said and past midterms. You are making up reasons for why a party did well based on your feelings when historical facts show otherwise. Another useless troll barking at his shadow and wasting my time.


supremeMilo t1_j1gm06z wrote

New York State Dems got absolutely smoked and have nobody to blame but themselves. Hochul ran a terrible campaign, and let Republicans control the narrative on crime even though NYS and NYC are safer than most Republican states.

If NYS Dems hadn’t lost their congress seats, Dems could have carried the house.

But okay, don’t hold Hochul and the state house accountable for fucking up the maps and their campaigns and enjoy Republican rule.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j1gmsri wrote

26 state senate races... 4 flips. Absolutely smoked? Make up facts on your own time not wasting mine.


supremeMilo t1_j1gmzfn wrote

Democrats would have held the US House of Representatives if Sean Patrick Maloney and the others didn’t run such shit campaigns. Zeldin controlled the messaging on crime and the house races followed.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j1gojgn wrote

Broken record keeps making up what he feels is right. Democrats ran shitty campaigns but did far better than projections and holding the House was going to be impossible. Now I'm going to ignore you. Be gone troll.


supremeMilo t1_j1gom90 wrote

You are talking about national democrats who did great I am talking about NYS Democrats who are an embarrassment.

$800,000,000 for Buffalo stadium, conservative chief Justice nomination… wake the fuck up.


Silver-Hat175 t1_j1gpb9a wrote

me: shows the ratio of GOP flipped as extremely low, 4 in 26 New York races

you: ah HA you are talking about national Democrats!!11

Truly a political science genius not an embarrassing little child cosplaying as a genius


supremeMilo t1_j1gpg5f wrote

4 out of 26 is terrible in a state where the D senator won by 13.2 points.