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Desterado t1_izp1dq6 wrote

As I said before, it was over when you tried to say I enjoyed people being killed. This is just me being an asshole in kind.


drpvn t1_izp1l6k wrote

There’s zero difference between you now and back when you badly wanted an actual discussion. Apart from such brilliant observations as “police kill people and teachers don’t,” you have nothing to say.


Desterado t1_izp1ogf wrote

You have the deductive skills of a cop too. You’ll totally fit in.


drpvn t1_izp1sa7 wrote

Maybe I’m wrong. I’m sure if I browse your comment history I’ll see a bunch of examples of you making interesting and nuanced points.


Desterado t1_izp1vo1 wrote

I know I won’t find anything substantive in your comments.


drpvn t1_izp27yq wrote

Lol, you’re one of the people who thinks it’s evidence-based to say that policing is incapable of reducing crime. Seriously, you have nothing to say except zingers about how you hate cops.


Desterado t1_izp2ftg wrote

Police aren’t the solution to crime. It’s pretty stupid to think that.


drpvn t1_izp2ksw wrote

There is no “solution” to crime. It’s even dumber to think that. Crime can be managed. It will never be eradicated.