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mowotlarx t1_j0vt1w5 wrote

This is fantastic news. I called this this second that story dropped about him allegedly having $1 million in jewelry stolen from him and his wife on a church Livestream.

>Whitehead is well known to have a long-standing and close relationship with Mayor Eric Adams, who the bishop has publicly described as a "mentor, brother and friend."

And nobody is surprised by this friendship. Throw him on the pile of corrupt or bigoted pastors that Adams considers his friend.


Schuyler_Hill t1_j0vutwb wrote

I pass by his fraud castle / mcmansion in Paramus every day, its fascinating. He's always ready with a huge smile and a big wave. So clownish that he's all about appearances, while he walks around looking legitimately like the human incarnation of the devil.

He's sure gonna be a star in prison though. Figured out how to use a prison religion program to drape himself in $300k gold necklaces and get "famous" 😂😂


TinyLeading6842 t1_j0xy6mk wrote

Oh damnnnn, prison religion program? He’s in for some fun, yet!


shant_jan t1_j0vp62j wrote

a christmas miracle!


mraza9 t1_j0xjvk8 wrote

Religion is the biggest grift on the planet. I say that as a spiritual person who believes in “god”. But privately in comfort of own home. Fuck this asshole.


Gb_packers973 t1_j0we1rh wrote

Didn’t he represent that guy that show a random passenger on the subway?


cringecaptainq t1_j0wysh9 wrote

I see him, and my first thought is "this is a conman, a grifter"

You know what I wonder?

I wonder what kind of people his congregation are like

What kind of feeble, weak-minded person does it take to see someone like him, and say "yeah I want to attend his church and have him be my pastor", as opposed to virtually every other church in the city?


mowotlarx t1_j0x065v wrote

You say this as if it's rare and strange for a religious leader to be flamboyant and larger than life to attract people searching for meaning. The prosperity gospel in particular is incredibly popular in this country. People are attracted to him because they think God will make them rich.


AlTheGreat1 t1_j0ys25k wrote

Eric Adams favorite swagged out preacher


iv2892 t1_j0whife wrote



Medium-Spray9882 t1_j0yk5e1 wrote

Wasn’t the reason he got robbed was because he was a massive grifter? Sounds like good ol’ street justice to me.


nixplix t1_j0z31e5 wrote

Bbbbut how, on earth, cccan this be !!???