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SmashRadish t1_j1simtc wrote

The law don’t mean shit if you’ve got the right friends, that’s how this country’s run.

Edit: Reference of a city councilor murdering his coworkers and getting away with it.


Grass8989 t1_j1sj94t wrote

The world*


SmashRadish t1_j1sjobd wrote

Except for Rwanda, oddly enough.

Edit: this isn’t a shitpost! Rwanda has really strong anti-corruption investigations and enforcement.


Vilnius_Nastavnik t1_j1wl2ux wrote

Remember in 2017 when the entire upper management of the NYC Department of Corrections got slapped on the wrist for wild misuse of their city-financed vehicles?

They paid a few fines and got to keep their company cars and personal drivers. In a just world they'd be taking the subway with the rest of us.


fldsmdfrv2 t1_j25pa32 wrote

Ever been to MTA meetings? They all show up in black Suburban SUV's. Even the recent emergency meeting held at Gracie Mansion by our new "Get Stuff Done" mayor, local reps from Queens/Bronx/Brooklyn/Manhattan all showed up in black SUV's to discuss the Subway safety crisis. Gotta understand, their safety is more paramount than yours.