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SmashRadish t1_j1simtc wrote

The law don’t mean shit if you’ve got the right friends, that’s how this country’s run.

Edit: Reference of a city councilor murdering his coworkers and getting away with it.


Grass8989 t1_j1sj94t wrote

The world*


SmashRadish t1_j1sjobd wrote

Except for Rwanda, oddly enough.

Edit: this isn’t a shitpost! Rwanda has really strong anti-corruption investigations and enforcement.


Vilnius_Nastavnik t1_j1wl2ux wrote

Remember in 2017 when the entire upper management of the NYC Department of Corrections got slapped on the wrist for wild misuse of their city-financed vehicles?

They paid a few fines and got to keep their company cars and personal drivers. In a just world they'd be taking the subway with the rest of us.


fldsmdfrv2 t1_j25pa32 wrote

Ever been to MTA meetings? They all show up in black Suburban SUV's. Even the recent emergency meeting held at Gracie Mansion by our new "Get Stuff Done" mayor, local reps from Queens/Bronx/Brooklyn/Manhattan all showed up in black SUV's to discuss the Subway safety crisis. Gotta understand, their safety is more paramount than yours.


GettingPhysicl t1_j1t3z5q wrote

please start deducting tickets from city employees directly from their paychecks <3


Silo-Joe t1_j1ur9ky wrote

And taking away their free cars.


realestategrl t1_j1v0ku8 wrote

It’s not free Lmaoooo they have to pay for it


GettingPhysicl t1_j1v6adg wrote

take away the benefits geared towards car ownership. you live in SI and work in the bronx. i want the receipts you paid the damn toll


realestategrl t1_j1vhbfy wrote

What benefits we get tickets out the ass. My mom is a city worker and there’s hurdles to get that car and they have to pay for a lot of Things to even get into that car and put the gas in that Shit. I don’t live in racist ass Staten Island or the dusty ass Bronx 😐I don’t step foot in those places


GettingPhysicl t1_j1w1k02 wrote

do they get nything relating to car ownership that i as a citizen do not? that should end


realestategrl t1_j1w2bil wrote

No they don’t they can still get tickets they have to pay fines it’s a bunch of shit my mom refuses to drive one because they make everything so complicated it’s pointless just drive your own car less of a hassle


TeamMisha t1_j1vjqmr wrote

> A spokesperson for the elected official said she only uses the car “occasionally.”

Are they basically trying to claim ignorance that they don't know who amongst the council member's crew is using this vehicle...? What a joke


No_Tax5256 t1_j1sk6db wrote

I am not surprised. The speed limits are generally way too low, and it makes zero sense why we ticket people for driving over 15 MPH in school zones at 3 AM on the weekend. It is all about money, revenue, and punishing people for driving cars. It is not really about safety.


_Maxolotl t1_j1smw5m wrote

When a driver crashes into a pedestrian, the pedestrian's risk of death and serious injury goes up rapidly based on how fast the driver is going. Risk of death and serious injury is also much higher for children and seniors.

We live in a city with the highest concentration of pedestrians in the western hemisphere.

What you're telling us is that you care more about going fast than about risking harm to human beings. Speed cameras exist to help protect us from people like you.


mowotlarx OP t1_j1sqfvv wrote

Oh get bent. You are driving a 2 ton death machine that hurts and kills more people (including drivers) than anything else in this city. If you don't want to lose any money, slow down. It's so easy.


Die-Nacht t1_j1uoo07 wrote

Move to Florida or Texas. Then you can drive as much as you like, as fast as you like.


[deleted] t1_j1sz0sb wrote



No_Tax5256 t1_j1t4xzl wrote

Lying piece of shit? Are you saying the speed limit in school-zones is 25 MPH?

Clearly reading comprehension was never your strength. Please explain why speeding cameras are in effect to enforce a 15 MPH speed limit in school-zones at 3 AM on a Saturday.


[deleted] t1_j1t5orl wrote



No_Tax5256 t1_j1t7tvf wrote

Does this count as evidence?

Are you trying to troll or are you just stupid?

Here is a literal street outside of a school with a 15 MPH speed limit, lmao.


[deleted] t1_j1tgda4 wrote



No_Tax5256 t1_j1tgsuq wrote

Lmao. Ok. How many examples should I post until you concede that you got completely owned in this discussion? Another one? Two? Three? Why not just concede you are incorrect about something? Is name calling all you have left?


realestategrl t1_j1v0pjd wrote

It is about revenue they make $500M plus at the half year mark in tickets alone.


TeamMisha t1_j1vjz2n wrote

The speed limit is based on science and engineering, not feelings, you can read more about this research based approach here:

25 mph is somewhat of a sweet spot to reduce the risk of death down to 10%.
> The average adjusted, standardized risk of death reached 10% at an impact speed of 23 mph, 25% at 32 mph, 50% at 42 mph, 75% at 50 mph, and 90% at 58 mph


Psychological-Net94 t1_j1x0fi1 wrote

fuck that shit people in france rioted over this shit because it sucks


TeamMisha t1_j1z6n4p wrote

Too bad I guess, the law was passed and is here to stay. If you hate it so bad you may enjoy southwestern rural communities that do not have pedestrians such that you need to slow down at all. Actually not even that far, LI and NJ too


No_Tax5256 t1_j1vos5q wrote

Should we lower the speed of the subway trains to 10 MPH to lower deaths? There were 137 pedestrians killed by motor-vehicle accidents in 2014 when Vision Zero went into effect. There were 123 pedestrians killed in 2021. There has been virtually no difference since all of this nonsense with the speed limit and speeding cameras started.


TeamMisha t1_j1z69l5 wrote

Do pedestrians cross in front of subways regularly? Even you must understand why that is a bogus comparison come on man.


No_Tax5256 t1_j1z8z8r wrote

If pedestrians follow traffic regulations, they are generally crossing infront of stopped cars. People fall or get pushed infront of subway tracks all the time. You also have people exploring subway tracks. The top post in the micromobility sub this week is some guy riding his bicycle on the subway tracks.


TeamMisha t1_j20wwnq wrote

You're gonna compare legal crosswalks, meant for people to use, over people getting pushed in front of trains? What? I cannot follow your logic lmao. There are crosswalks in this city with over 1,000 crossings PER HOUR but you're gonna compare that to maybe a few dozen encounters of people on tracks a year? Please try to understand the context idk what else to say.


jm14ed t1_j1vr81r wrote

Probably because the idiots who are killing pedestrians are not smart enough to control their speed. Are you one of them?


WhattheDocOrdered t1_j1z9a4z wrote

This sub is almost entirely anti-car. The limit could easily be 30 or 35 instead of 25 and likely wouldn’t result in a significant number of increased pedestrian fatalities. It would just result in decreased revenue for the city. Meanwhile there’s no accountability for pedestrians, bikers, motorized scooters, and whatever other method of transportation the city will make available to create more chaos. Why? Because you can’t fine a bike via camera monitoring.


[deleted] t1_j23zccv wrote



WhattheDocOrdered t1_j2445yk wrote

Mature response you got there. You fail to realize that “significant number” is a subjective term. The fatality difference between 25 and 30 mph is 8%. Only one study in this sample is valid and it’s terribly outdated so doesn’t account for newer vehicle safety features, such as auto brake. None of the data was collected in NYC either. Regardless, it doesn’t take a genius to know that higher speed means harder impact and greater injury. I’m saying it’s cost benefit. Why not make the limit 10 mph then? That would decrease severe injury/ fatality even more, right? But then delivery trucks wouldn’t make it around the city, school buses wouldn’t arrive on time, etc. Like I said, cost benefit. 15-25 mph in a school zone during school hours? I’m in agreement given the risk there. But major roads after hours? Assuming drivers are obeying red lights/ stop signs and pedestrians are obeying walking signals, the benefit of a drastically lowered speed limit becomes negligible in all aspects except generating revenue.


No_Tax5256 t1_j1zav78 wrote

Agreed. Honestly I am more concerned about getting hit by a moped or bicycle than a car. These people ride on the sidewalks, on the wrong side of the road, and dont obey redlights or traffic signals. Cars can generally just be avoided by looking both ways while crossing the road. You cant tell a moped is behind you on the sidewalk though unless you have eyes on the back of your head.


WhattheDocOrdered t1_j1zcora wrote

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for school zone cameras during school hours. But the recent legislation removing time restrictions on them is a cash grab. I’m sure people will argue 25 is a safer speed limit at all hours. But if it’s not necessary, it causes more backup at lights and intersections because fewer cars are flowing through a given time within those zones.

I’ve witnessed someone get run off the sidewalk because of a bike speeding through the sidewalk. Same for bikers not obeying traffic lights specifically for regulating bikes! Took millions to implement bike lanes and new traffic lights and still, no accountability.

This sub is so anti car and full of people who don’t understand why a car is even necessary. Got elderly parents who live outside the 5 boroughs? Literally cheaper for me to drive around and drop off their groceries than paying a service for them. Drivers have long accepted a “car tax” in NYC but in recent years it’s really gotten out of hand.
