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Trachten t1_j05c3jb wrote



chiraltoad t1_j05ctbx wrote

Is this a typo or is there some kind of Batery I'm not aware of... bat storage?


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j05n7la wrote

Thank God those POMA and SEMER logos are shown 3x /s

What assclowns design an interface like that?


allelopath t1_j05nzfg wrote

And it looks like a windows 3.1 interface


LoneStarTallBoi t1_j05pux8 wrote

it's a perfectly functional piece of software.


kiklion t1_j06r1fo wrote

That might be a stretch.

There is a lot of screen space dedicated to the manufacturers logo yet it seems that some of the buttons below may hide other information which could be displayed on one screen. If every button below is actually an action button, like if ‘Doors’ opens the doors and doesn’t display data on the doors, then ignore this but some of them are titled such that I think there’s more data.

Also, 3/4 of the wind gauges are indicating 0 wind and blowing due north. My guess is that it defaults to north and 0, but if there’s no data then it should indicate a null value. It’s very much not functional to show incorrect data.


HagridsSexyNippples t1_j06vie9 wrote

I used to work on the tram a few years ago! I never thought I would see this screen again!


BroonyBroons t1_j07h3yp wrote

I am terrified of the tram and this interface doesn't put my mind at ease at ALL


mostly_a_lurker_here t1_j081yxp wrote

The interface is fine. It's industrial, it doesn't need to look like Material Design. If you are terrified by this, you should see the MTA's ancient systems...


BroonyBroons t1_j082yuv wrote

I have a pathological fear of heights that prevents me from riding the tram. Or nearly any ride at Coney Island


AirlineFlyer t1_j06j666 wrote

Anyone else highly skeptical that the wind speed from 3 of the 4 towers is exactly 0?

Edit: A word


lemonapplepie t1_j06q6rf wrote

I noticed that too. Maybe because towers 1 and 2 are a bit inland on Manhattan (just assuming they're in order from the WIND MANH. one), whereas if tower 3 is the one on Roosevelt island it's right next to the water and more exposed to wind?


Arzemna OP t1_j06wfd7 wrote

I believe tower 1 and 2 are on the decent (from the main island) and tower 3 is above the bridge. I saw that and I figured it was just lower.

What was more interesting is as people get on the cabin load goes from a negative number (%) to zero and then positive.

Fun fact. As I watched it each 2 people would count as about 1% point increase


frootlooppanda t1_j06jm3a wrote

It seemed like such a good idea to get that software made in India for cheap until it arrived and it says “bateries”


HagridsSexyNippples t1_j06vfig wrote

I used to work here a few years ago! I never thought I would see this screen again!


-Player01- t1_j06uqgt wrote

Metric? How is anyone supposed to understand this?


brownoarsman t1_j07h3lh wrote

Does cabin clamp release the car from the wire?