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Saladcitypig t1_j0b8cgs wrote

It's possible to want people to be held accountable for their misdeeds without being sexist. When you say things like this, as you can see from your responses, men are more than willing to add sticks to the fire of sexist bs.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j0bknak wrote

It isn't sexist to point out that this is a realistic defense strategy scenario should Ellison be indicted.

For one, we just saw literally the same strategy used by Elizabeth Holmes in one of the most high-profile fraud trials in recent history.

Secondly, that is basically the only defense Ellison would have, short of claiming complete and total ignorance (which wouldn't legally absolve her of guilt or blame).


Saladcitypig t1_j0bm3tz wrote

You are putting too much faith in the "I'm just a woman" commenter.

I don't believe that was good faith. I doubt your comment is to, considering you gloss over that. The defense strats are in themselves a product of sexism and defense law is nothing if not dirty, it uses bigotry as a manipulation tool.

Someone can very easily point at a strat while disingenuously ALSO shitting on women because that is literally the majority of troll comments on any topic where a woman is involved. You can pretend it's not, but then you'd be naive, or you're simply employing that strat yourself.


sanjsrik t1_j0fj0w1 wrote

Literally watch this be her defense. I will stake money on it.


Saladcitypig t1_j0fywwa wrote

and again you talking not about HER, but about her DEFENSE TEAM of LAWYERS, who very clearly know the world is incredibly sexist and use that cynically.

You are virtually being snotty about the nice suit lawyers make convicted killers wear in court, as if it says something about all men who are convicted of killing. "Hur dur, look at that man again, wearing a suit in court, pretending he didn't kill someone... men be like." Silly.


sanjsrik t1_j0gau2p wrote

The client says what they are willing to do regardless of what the lawyer's advice is. Ultimately it is up to the client what defense they present.


Saladcitypig t1_j0gf6j7 wrote

lol oh ok. You don't know what you're talking about, now it's clear.


sanjsrik t1_j0gs0jv wrote

And you think being a white knight will get you more than you deserve.

Keep being delusional.


Saladcitypig t1_j0h1say wrote

When a person says the phrase "White knight" it's one of the many nails in their coffin of credibility.