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areYouMenthol t1_j09dw62 wrote

The top issue with buses is not the $2.75 fare. Top surveyed issues relate to:

  • quality of life/safety
  • access: number of lines/frequency

Making the buses free is political theater that's easy to attribute to the politicians who pushed for it, while the fixes we need are not going to be so visually obvious. This is an awful idea that will literally contribute to worsening the issues people want addressed.


Grass8989 t1_j09o9md wrote

Yup, and guess what services are first to be cut when there’s budget cuts. It’s not the one that charges a fare.


bluethroughsunshine t1_j0cve0a wrote

It's really just a means of increasing taxes so that MTA has a steady stream of income. That's it. Money is money and it all stems from us paying it on the back end like we do where daida are skipped or on the front end with taxes so that they maintain their revenue stream.


mowotlarx t1_j09ol46 wrote

If allowing more people to use public transit will make public transit worse, we're doing it wrong. The point is for people to use it to get from point A to point B. We don't need to self sort the classes to the front and back of the bus to keep it "civilized."


ike_tyson t1_j0aqaue wrote

The bus is one of the worst ways to get around the city. It's slow , filthy and some of the same people who've made riding the subway a terrible experience ride the bus too . Some of the buses are infested with roaches . 2.75 , 2 dollars or free they still have work to do making it a better and safer experience for the rider.


psychothumbs OP t1_j0bjzp9 wrote

This plan has a lot of quality improvements too, the headline is a little too focused on the flashy free fares aspect


strykeraid t1_j0hokyb wrote

It would be a start. People will no longer have to fumble for metrocards and hold up the bus. Bus operators could open all doors which would allow for fast boarding. The next step would be to change the distance between stops. We don’t need stops on every block.


SumyungNam t1_j0cnw1l wrote

Free everything for their votes


ike_tyson t1_j0edh14 wrote

I can't believe you guys down voted me I'm right!