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NetQuarterLatte t1_j0bqbf5 wrote

Does this mean that Bragg will not allow the release of anyone back to the street without screening them for severe and untreated mental health issues?

That seems like an obvious thing to do. Don't let those few crazy people go back to the street without treatment (to commit crimes).

Edit: from the press-conference, that will be all voluntary for the defendants. I hope to be proven wrong, but this appears to be a completely toothless effort.


Grass8989 t1_j0btrmd wrote

“Hi I know you haven’t willingly accepted help from any of the non-profits or DHS or the Dept of Mental Health and Hygiene up until this point, how about now?”


NetQuarterLatte t1_j0bucxp wrote

Maybe underneath all the fluff from the press conference, there is actually some tooth.

I guess what they might really be doing is:

"<prosecutor>: Hi, you were arrested for this alleged crime. How about you accept this mental health program, or else we will throw the book at you? We reserve the right to use a refusal as an evidence against you."


Grass8989 t1_j0bv6no wrote

That would be ideal, “throwing the book” at them is not likely tho.


ShadownetZero t1_j0c73kp wrote

> Does this mean that Bragg will not allow the release of anyone back to the street without screening them for severe and untreated mental health issues?

That sounds like something his role is responsible for. So no.