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Relevant_Slide_7234 t1_j24s2z9 wrote

I had a homeless guy follow me from the Port Authority to Penn Station while yelling racial slurs at me and throwing garbage bags into the street. Does that make it blighted? I think so. Will building 10 skyscrapers there fix anything? Probably not.


Amphiscian t1_j25shmx wrote

Earlier this year a homeless dude outside Penn Station followed me and said he was going to kill me because I took a picture of one of the skyscrapers under construction. If they're building 10 more skyscrapers now, yall stay alert for that guy


Mistes t1_j25vqwx wrote

Adding to this story pile - it was a rainy day between Penn station and port authority and a homeless man punched through my umbrella, nabbing me on my right shoulder. I was shaken for an afternoon and figured nothing would come of it if I reported it since he was punching whatever was in his way all the way down the street.

Working in the area made me feel kind of depressed about NYC. I took a small detour one day and remembered the NYC I love wasn't the cradle of filth that is Penn Station.


whiskey_pancakes t1_j25yudx wrote

You don’t get much dirtier then port authority to Penn


Iverton8 t1_j26f7kx wrote

I was just about to add this. Eighth Avenue between 33 and 42 is the worst. There is a distinct “element” to it.


Law-of-Poe t1_j25aero wrote

It probably will “fix” it—if by “fix” you mean displace….


aardbarker t1_j2dh6rg wrote

By that definition the entire city could be blighted. We have actual slums, but the area around Penn Station isn’t one of them. It’s just full of homeless people, cheap stores, and fast food. I don’t like hanging out there either, and I’m generally in favor of big capital projects but do we need more Hudson Yards? Or another Times Square? Take a walk along 14th street—it doesn’t look much better. And I’ve been to plenty of European cities—by the train station is always the sleaziest.