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RobertoSantaClara t1_j25fouu wrote

> Penn Station is the busiest train station in the western hemisphere.

Fucking hell, what a massive L for the New World. Train infrastructure in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina need to get their shit together, 'cause Penn Station ain't exactly a shining beacon on a hill lmao


Wowzlul t1_j25g4x2 wrote

Well yes I know that Penn is ugly and dysfunctional, but due the sheer amount of infrastructure the Pennsylvania Railroad built there and the density of the commercial districts surrounding it Penn is in fact an insanely busy and important station.

Kinda why I'd support a redevelopment of the streets around it. Should be taking advantage of the capacity on offer here, not cutting it or pretending it doesn't exist.


karmapuhlease t1_j25haq1 wrote

New York is a far more important city than any city in any of those other countries, so it makes sense.