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SleepyHobo t1_j27g0tv wrote

Let's just hope they don't turn Penn Station into another architecturally lazy, bland, and souless white facade that feels more like a padded cell in a mental asylum quickly stained by people put inside it rather than an actual train station.

Late 19th and Early 20th century architecture in this city is so beautiful and incredible. Now all we get anytime they upgrade something is 10 billion dollars worth of misaligned glossy white panels, glossy (matte if we're lucky) white floors, and white LED lights that bounce off all the gloss and blind you. All of this juxtaposed next to the filthy rat infested, trash littered train tracks.

The white floors really get me. Who's the dumbass that keeps approving pure white for a floor color. Public spaces are barely cleaned so it immediately just turns grimy, permanently.