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Labiologie t1_j1ik0il wrote

Anyone who votes Republican literally cannot love “all”. The party’s actions and official platform go against the idea of “I love you all”


pyspark2020 t1_j1ik80o wrote

Well. You are wrong then. You have a misconception. May be you should meet real life Conservatives. I love you even if you are a democrat.


Labiologie t1_j1iko6c wrote

You love us so much that your party cheers for gun toting rednecks to terrorize drag queens reading books to kids.

You love us so much that every leader in your party wants to cut social safety nets.

You love us so much that your media and leaders and members across the country bully, harass, and cause trans kids to commit suicide.

The Republican Party is about hatred and money.


pyspark2020 t1_j1il5wj wrote

I came to this USA when I was in my 20s and I was a democrat. But now Democrats have gone too much to the left.

I don’t agree with the Republican Party 100% as Im sure you don’t agree with democrats 100%.

I would vote for common sense Democrat and I will not vote for a crazy Republican.

Once you grow up and have a family, you will think differently.

Feliz navidad !


Kaekru t1_j1iqj8l wrote

you literally have no idea what the fuck left is


pyspark2020 t1_j1irrjq wrote

I was born in 1975 in Peru. Check Sendero Luminoso.


Kaekru t1_j1it3uo wrote

I repeat, you have no understanding what left means.

Left does not mean specifically communism or straight up full communism revolution, if you think it does, there is no conversation to be had with someone like you.


pyspark2020 t1_j1itbd7 wrote

I don’t need a conversation. I just wanted to wish you a merry Xmas!!!


Kaekru t1_j1itzcz wrote

If that were the case you shouldn’t have typed your shitty opinions and pass it off as if the majority of New Yorkers agree with you. Your pathetic “merry Xmas” replies only further the point that you’re just being a jerk that can’t really bring anything to the discussion when challenged upon.

Your sarcastic “merry Xmas” is not welcomed.


pyspark2020 t1_j1iu8qy wrote

Is fine. I just to share the love. Stay warm!


Kaekru t1_j1iud6w wrote

You’re being sarcastic, it is very clear.


rainzer t1_j1ndysq wrote

> I was born in 1975 in Peru. Check Sendero Luminoso.

I come from the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. Therefore, I hate democracy because they call themselves Democratic.

People like you are fucking imbeciles


pyspark2020 t1_j1noekm wrote

You were born into it. My country was changed while I was there.