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darklordpotty t1_j1l1gba wrote

From Fort Hamilton/Bay Ridge, thru Bath Beach/Coney Island, and across Gravesend to Brighton Beach and Sheepshead Bay, Democrats are doing worse and races are getting tighter, perhaps due to a growing Asian population.


Everyoneeatshere t1_j1mh4l4 wrote

Asians historically vote democrat. However the democrats have been ignoring the Asian concerns/working class concerns. By and large, Asians still vote democrats


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j1psvv1 wrote

Bay Ridge and neighboring Dyker (where I am from) has a growing Asian population. Max Rose lost to Malliotakis; Vegan Brannan barely beat Rose; Brooke-Krasny and Frontus; Chang and Abbate. Seeing a trend here?