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fe2sio4 t1_j0dy38o wrote

It’s not like we have roadmaps from other states, it’s not that hard to take what’s working annd what’s not from other states. Any competent and non corrupt politician could have this done a long time ago. These corrupt fucks will tell you delay is due to social justice aspect of legalization. It’s all fucking bullshit to cover up their corruption and incompetence. It doesn’t take 2 years to appoint board members and people they appointed? Fucking useless and not even subject experts. Shit show run by idiots.


Three_broed_sloth t1_j0egixk wrote

Not enough people have had an envelope passed to them. It should be no more difficult than selling alcohol.


ironichaos t1_j0ghdpy wrote

Even Illinois (the masters of corruption) was able to get it rolled out faster than this. Although all the licenses went to their friends and I think a couple of people got indicted.


Three_broed_sloth t1_j0jl2yv wrote

The ineptitude isn’t even funny anymore. How do you fuck up selling weed in NYC?


take_five t1_j0pfvy4 wrote

Maybe too many people have had an envelope…


SphereIsGreat t1_j0gh89t wrote

New York is the greatest state in the union, and New York City is the greatest city in the world; so great, that we cannot possibly learn anything from anyone else. Not a single other place has the problems we have and nobody has solved one of them.


Run_0x1b t1_j0j3zsj wrote

Meanwhile there are two stores within 2 blocks of me openly operating as dispensaries and like 75% of bodegas are selling pot under the counter.