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nydutch t1_j0dqn2w wrote

Such a fucking joke.


JonesFish t1_j0drx9n wrote

braindead bureaucracy


CarbonPrevails t1_j0dv86h wrote

It’s almost impressive how much of a debacle this has become.


fe2sio4 t1_j0dy38o wrote

It’s not like we have roadmaps from other states, it’s not that hard to take what’s working annd what’s not from other states. Any competent and non corrupt politician could have this done a long time ago. These corrupt fucks will tell you delay is due to social justice aspect of legalization. It’s all fucking bullshit to cover up their corruption and incompetence. It doesn’t take 2 years to appoint board members and people they appointed? Fucking useless and not even subject experts. Shit show run by idiots.


Teeesting t1_j0dywx6 wrote

That's cool my dealer is cheaper and has better weed


newestindustry t1_j0e3fi4 wrote

As someone who has bought marijuana in many different states, for many years, it is my personal opinion that the current grey market in NYC is the most convenient, affordable, and stress-free marijuana purchasing environment that has ever existed. I’m buying GAS, for less than it cost 10 years ago, paying with a credit card, in Midtown two doors down from my office.

The NY gov botching the hell out of this has been a blessing for us all. My heart goes out to all the legal producers who are getting fucked, but every day I pray another dumb regulatory hurdle keeps the status quo going because as a consumer, it fucking rules.


SilentSasquatch2 t1_j0e4flv wrote

They gave themselves a ton of lead up time to get this right and still couldn’t meet their own deadline, not surprising though


dhdhdfjffjj t1_j0e4h6w wrote

I swear I thought this was from the onion lol this is so ridiculously dumb.


Pingsak t1_j0ehuvt wrote

We need regulation especially with the vapes. Some of these guys are selling pure poison.


jumbod666 t1_j0eokjo wrote

Wait until they find out that the levels of taxation are too high. Black market will flourish. Happened in California


Honest_Ice_7239 t1_j0ewgdx wrote

😂😂 I'm so convinced this is how humans will go extinct by some dumb regulation.


happybarfday t1_j0f85zm wrote

This shit is so dumb, the government are fucking over these businesses and themselves, meanwhile anyone who wants weed can easily get it almost anywhere anytime from a dealer or under-the-table smoke shop... what a joke.


fieryscribe t1_j0fa8cn wrote

In the name of equity, we should have the pols who slow-rolled the legalization smoke all the moldy stuff first.


OkSquirrel5696 t1_j0g6apt wrote

Greed knows no bounds. Sure get them sick as long as we could tax it. Fuvking joke


aceknowsbest t1_j0g7wvh wrote

I agree that Its convenient and affordable but is it safer? Id rather have stricter laws knowing that what I'm getting is legit rather than spending $30/eighth on some shit that leaves me with an extended cough or headache


Darrackodrama t1_j0gexzr wrote

Such an impressively fucked up situation


SphereIsGreat t1_j0gh89t wrote

New York is the greatest state in the union, and New York City is the greatest city in the world; so great, that we cannot possibly learn anything from anyone else. Not a single other place has the problems we have and nobody has solved one of them.


ryanhoulihan t1_j0gpwri wrote

The people working on this are all absolute fucking morons


Run_0x1b t1_j0j3zsj wrote

Meanwhile there are two stores within 2 blocks of me openly operating as dispensaries and like 75% of bodegas are selling pot under the counter.