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Evening_Presence_927 t1_j1aeazg wrote

Isn’t this the same guy begging New Yorkers to mask up?

Fucking clown


[deleted] t1_j1ag6k8 wrote



LebronObamaWinfrey t1_j1e7b9x wrote

Y’all realize every bar and restaurant in the city is packed with maskless people right.


SceneOfShadows t1_j1f0t8s wrote

Cannot believe people are still throwing out “super spreader event” on this website as if the social world hasn’t been back to almost normal in most big cities for like a year and a half.


smg28 t1_j1b5uuu wrote

Worlds famous club promoter


brownredgreen t1_j1atxsi wrote

He really is fucking awful. Goddamn.

That Onion Headline.jpg


Disco_Dreamz t1_j1a8jq0 wrote

“Adams was spotted mingling with bevies of tipsy conservatives, seeming quite at ease as he yucked it up with various Proud Boys, insurrectionists, and Putin-admirers of varying shades of Caucasian. “Adams is one of us, and we couldn’t be more happy with the success he has had in infiltrating the NY Demo-rat establishment”, regaled one party goer wearing a shirt emblazoned with “DON JR 2028 ERIC 2036 IVANKA 2044 BARRON 2052”, who wished to remain anonymous.

As the band started playing a medley of tried-and-true 80s rock classics, Adams could be seen elbowing his way through the crowd of pasty conservatives towards the dance floor. “If I don’t hear ‘Boot Skootin Boogie’ in the next ten seconds…”, Adams yelled at the surprised musicians on stage, “…I’m calling in the New York City Fire Marshall!”.

The band looked at each other nervously, and then without missing a beat, launched right into a rollicking cover of the country-rock classic. “Next I want to hear the latest Kanye West!”, a tipsy Adams shouted over the guitar solo.

Hearty laughs were had by all.”


Bjj-lyfe t1_j1aydax wrote

😂😂 this is absurdly hilarious


HEIMDVLLR OP t1_j19v1dn wrote

> But the ever-ebullient Adams still shared a festive moment with us, showing up at The New York Post holiday party Tuesday night in Chelsea — and cheerfully joking with a reporter that the page “covers me more than anyone else.” (When the scribe pointed out that he does, after all, love to party, he gave a laugh.)

How many of the Post Reddit fans were invited to the holiday party?


ibstiglet14 t1_j1fdraf wrote

Showing up to random parties is all this guy ever does


Backseat_boss t1_j1dfe38 wrote

Does he get to vote on his raise as well?? Bc I must say he’s putting in overtime in these clubs


MLao_ t1_j1guiih wrote

This is all this imbecile is capable of.


Mo-Coffee t1_j1i0nes wrote

When you thought it couldn’t get worse than Deblasio