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iRedditAlreadyyy t1_j28b8rh wrote

Meanwhile these protesters continue to drop money in the collection baskets of their churchs every Sunday which ends up being used as hush money to pay off the victims of predatory priests. Gotta love the double standards. Then again these protests never actually have a sense of morality.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j2a8blb wrote

My guess is most these folks have never been in a church or helped serve food or donate at one, yet likely post about god on Facebook a lot


nationalmoz t1_j28z4p5 wrote

If you're concerned about abuse by priests, you're going to shit when you see the abuse rate by public schoolteachers:

Spoiler: It's almost double.

Edit: Over the target...


TheBlowersDaughter23 t1_j29n0ac wrote

This graph doesn't show much other than bars that align with sources that don't really have hard numbers attached to them. I visited the sources.

  • Link 1 doesn't work

  • Link 2 is a report from 2004, surely you can find something a little more up to date? Comes from the US DOE, but the report is a culmination of different studies and offers no totaling statistics related to the numbers in this graph.

  • Link 3 is the same as link 2

  • Link 4 brings you to the homepage of Education Data Initiative, tried conducting a google search of the URL string and found nothing

  • Link 5 is a news article with 0 statistics relating to the parent topic and refers more to how fewer men are electing to become priests

  • Link 6 comes from a Catholic news source, suggests a bias. The report discussed in the article is a single source, surely there are more?

So all in all, this graph says nothing about abuse rates because the sources are essentially non-existent, save for 3, and only a single one is about teacher abuse. Furthermore, 0 of the source links compares the statistics, or even lay out the statistics in order for me to look at this chart and deduce that this might be true.

I'm not putting on a blindfold and saying teachers don't commit sexual abuse, but I'd love to see more substantial sources other than a screenshot from Gab with links no one bothered to look through.


nationalmoz t1_j2a0x72 wrote

You've ended up making way more work for yourself than necessary. Link 2, that you casually dismissed, is a comprehensive analysis by the DOE.

10% of kids get sexually abused at school.

>As a group, these studies present a wide range of estimates of the percentage of U.S. students subject to sexual misconduct by school staff and vary from 3.7 to 50.3 percent (Table 5). Because of its carefully drawn sample and survey methodology, the AAUW report that nearly 9.6 percent of students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career presents the most accurate data available at this time.

Approx 4% of Catholic priests pre-2002 were abusers, and vast majority abused one child. Add in those who abused more than one, and you're getting closer to parity.

But they idea that the Catholic church is some outlier and you're not sending your kid into a same level of danger - particularly in today's classrooms - is just silly.


TheBlowersDaughter23 t1_j2acako wrote

Great, you gave me a number that I missed while skimming the report. But wouldn't it lower the bar on the right to the 9,600 mark as opposed to the 12,000 mark?

I dismiss the chart entirely because of its lack of substantial and current sources. We're looking at 2004 numbers for teachers, and pre-2002 numbers for priests (which I assume is from the John Jay report). A very different generation of people were active clergy members and active teachers in 2004 as opposed to now.

I'm sure the numbers can fluctuate due to the time elapsed, but this doesn't prove much considering that half of the sources don't work in the first place. Not to mention, less children attend church in the USA than school, so there'd have to be some mathematical adjustments made in order to accurately compare the two sets of data.


hecramsey t1_j2elo90 wrote

you are comparing incidents of abuse (DOE) it # of abusers (Catholic). unrelated metrics FAIL


newestindustry t1_j29fibp wrote

The pedophile priest defender has arrived


nationalmoz t1_j29xkva wrote

>The pedophile priest defender has arrived

The pedophile public schoolteacher defender has arrived.


Goose_Equalizer t1_j293qla wrote

At least public schools don’t actively suppress information about known, verified pedophiles and move them around for decades to avoid trouble.


123splenda t1_j29c5j5 wrote

Yes the fuck they do.


Goose_Equalizer t1_j29f1ti wrote

At the same scale the Catholic Church did?

Are you claiming that it was the stated, established policy of all public schools to simply relocate sex offenders? If not, it’s absolutely nothing like what the Church did.


BakedBread65 t1_j29dh85 wrote


someone_whoisthat t1_j29e9e4 wrote

Grand jury report condemns Loudoun schools’ handling of sex assaults

> The jury’s impaneling also came after Youngkin and Miyares repeatedly referenced the Loudoun assaults in their campaigns, accusing the school system — and U.S. public education generally — of a lack of transparency and failure to support parents’ rights. The incident also became a national issue in the heated debate over transgender student rights, especially bathroom access. > > Youngkin and Miyares’s actions followed months of community outrage, aimed largely at Loudoun school officials’ decision to transfer the student assailant from one high school campus after his first assault, only to see him commit a second sexual assault at the second campus five months later. > > ... > > During the first assault, which took place in a girls’ bathroom, the student was reportedly dressed in women’s clothes — a finding Monday’s jury report corroborates. This gave ammunition to opponents of school policies that permit transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identities — although there is no evidence the male student is transgender and, at the time of the first assault, Loudoun determined bathroom access by biological sex.


dark10043 t1_j29m082 wrote

What the church does with their donation has nothing to do with the intent of the people donating to the organization. They don’t donate for the reason you mentioned. They are being conned.


TakingADumpRightNow t1_j29p9un wrote

If you give money to a person that uses it to fund terrorism, you still helped fund terrorism whether or not you realized it…