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HEIMDVLLR t1_j140o84 wrote

Yet here you are defending this statement, about a group of boys who went to jail and spent a lot time behind bars. They paid for whatever crimes they may have committed that night and for crimes they didn’t commit.

What jail time has any of the individuals this country erected statues of serve? Also love how you leaped over the holiday part!


WickhamAkimbo t1_j141uxp wrote

Those statues and holidays are also wrong. Does that make you right?


HEIMDVLLR t1_j143s6r wrote

You speak as if those statues no longer exist and those holidays are no longer celebrated.

I’ll answer your question after you create a post about why we should get rid of those statues and why we shouldn’t be celebrating holidays that honor criminals.


WickhamAkimbo t1_j144i3m wrote

I'll edit to "are".

I'm not even making a post about getting rid of this one, just expressing mild dissent. 😂 I generally save my energy for more pressing issues than statues, but feel free to point me towards anything you think should come down. The most obvious target to me in NYC is the Columbus statue at Columbus Circle.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j145wlc wrote

> I generally save my energy for more pressing issues than statues

That is a lie. Look at you in the comments right now. I wasn’t even talking to you and you jumped in the comments. Why?


WickhamAkimbo t1_j14iobm wrote

I guess you asked me to create a post, and that's more energy to me than a comment. These comments take very little energy.