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knockatize t1_j0ki06q wrote

The migrants, they don’t get all that much.

The agencies and nonprofits popping up to “serve” migrants make the money.


drpvn t1_j0jzz38 wrote

Fucking madness.


Sk8ngWST t1_j0l2q2l wrote

Well, it'll be $5B in no time 'cause now they processing 5000-10k ppl at the border currently, we in for a real fuckery


Vegetable-Length-823 t1_j0jbr6w wrote

Easy stop stealing the tax money and we'll have a surplus even after we import the desperate and psychologically/politically malleable pawns


the_donnie t1_j0lmtdk wrote

Directly from the report.

> Lastly, the City has included $1 billion in expenses for asylum seekers in FY 2023 funded entirely by federal support, with no costs planned for the outyears. The Comptroller’s Office is including the full amount of federal support that the City has assumed for asylum-seekers in FY 2023 as a revenue risk, given the lack of information confirming the Federal government’s support.


someone_whoisthat OP t1_j0lnu9r wrote

Why aren't you including the whole section, instead of just two out-of-context sentences?

> Lastly, the City has included $1 billion in expenses for asylum seekers in FY 2023 funded entirely by federal support, with no costs planned for the outyears. The Comptroller’s Office is including the full amount of federal support that the City has assumed for asylum-seekers in FY 2023 as a revenue risk, given the lack of information confirming the Federal government’s support. And although the number of asylum-seekers arriving from the border has slowed in recent weeks after a change in U.S. policy, that policy is now under a Federal judge’s order to end on December 21st, suggesting much is unknown about what these trends portend for the coming months and years.[37]. It is also highly unlikely that, even if the inflow of migrants were to diminish considerably in the coming months, the need for services for those already in the DHS and HERRC shelters would drop to zero at the turn of the fiscal year. Therefore, barring a strategic plan at the Federal, State and City level, the Comptroller’s Office will assume a continued expense of $1 billion. It is quite possible this amount will be even higher in FY 2024 if the population continues to grow. Table 14 below shows the risk as a revenue risk in FY 2023, and as an expense risk in FYs 2024-FY 2026. The Comptroller’s Office will continue to monitor both the continuing arrival of asylum-seekers as well as what is needed to assist them in finding more permanent homes.


the_donnie t1_j0m1f3o wrote

You do see the irony as you just provided a NY post article right? Lol. I provided the actual source and quoted a couple sentences. Glad you found the source helpful and decided to read more.


AutoModerator t1_j0j2u86 wrote

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the_donnie t1_j0k6f7q wrote



Grass8989 t1_j0k8me1 wrote

“Lander’s annual “State of the City’s Economy and Finances” report, published late Thursday, finds that the city’s budget should include a projected $1 billion annually in spending through 2026 to cover costs tied to housing, educating and feeding migrants — especially with the expiration of the ‘Title 42’ federal border policy on Dec. 21. “

Lander is the comptroller, this isn’t an opinion piece. Just because you don’t like a news source doesn’t mean the facts aren’t true.


the_donnie t1_j0lmojb wrote

So read the report instead of the NYPost

> Lastly, the City has included $1 billion in expenses for asylum seekers in FY 2023 funded entirely by federal support, with no costs planned for the outyears. The Comptroller’s Office is including the full amount of federal support that the City has assumed for asylum-seekers in FY 2023 as a revenue risk, given the lack of information confirming the Federal government’s support.

Wow sooo scaryyyy. Lol don't read the post


Warpedme t1_j0l1ebf wrote

Then it needs to be posted from another source. No one in their right mind trusts the right wing tabloid, The NY Post any more than the national enquirer or any other tabloid with "facts" about bigfoot and the loch Ness monster.


[deleted] t1_j0ljxmw wrote



the_donnie t1_j0lm3es wrote

That is a very good question to ask ourselves lol why is only the post reporting this!?!?


Grass8989 t1_j0lpclj wrote

Probably because it makes democrats look bad, which is why our news outlets refuse to report on a lot of things. (And I’m a registered Democrat and have only voted for democrats)


newestindustry t1_j0j5iky wrote

Spamming tabloid articles for karma


sdotmills t1_j0jney2 wrote

Brad Lander is the Comptroller. Do you have issues with his figures?


Warpedme t1_j0l1q8e wrote

No, no one with two working brain cells trusts that the NY Post didn't make this up or is quoting things out of context to perpetuate another Republican fake news lie. The NY Post is not a reliable source and is generally accepted to be biased lies or misrepresented facts.
