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spicytoastaficionado t1_j0qdnnv wrote

>about how he believes that using taxpayer money to prevent people from stealing coffee at Starbucks, is money well spent

What "taxpayer money" is used to prevent coffee order theft from Starbucks?


>How about this city make Starbucks pay for that and then spend our money on helping their citizens, in a real way?

Starbucks does pay for it.

They eat the cost of any theft at their stores (and pass it onto customers by raising prices) and if you see NYPD working security @ a Starbucks (or any other business), that is privately paid for by the company.


>Like, preventing people from getting stabbed to death? Does that sound like a good idea?

Involuntary inpatient holds for clearly unhinged people would segregate them from the broader homeless population and prevent stabbings, but there are people very much opposed to it.

More security, either private contractors or NYPD, at shelters would also help, but again, the same people are very much opposed to police presence in shelters.


G2046H t1_j0qeqye wrote

Read the post with the article about the city trying to help billion-dollar corporations from shoplifting loss, and then also say that they can’t afford help the “little people”.

If you have a better solution, then I would love to hear it. Otherwise, it sounds like you’re saying that if innocent civilians get murdered, then “Oh well.”. I’m listening.


spicytoastaficionado t1_j0qp9n2 wrote

>Read the post with the article about the city trying to help billion-dollar corporations from shoplifting loss, and then also say that they can’t afford help the “little people”.

Going after serial shoplifting and improving shelters are not mutually exclusive.

89% of NYC businesses have less than 20 employees AKA "the little people", and they will also benefit from NYC's efforts to curb serial shoplifting.


>Otherwise, it sounds like you’re saying that if innocent civilians get murdered, then “Oh well.”. I’m listening.

No, I'm saying boosting security/NYPD at shelters and screening out dangerous people makes them safer options for homeless New Yorkers seeking refuge.


LOL @ u/G2046H blocking me after being incapable of having an answer to my suggestion of more security (including NYPD) @ NYC shelters.

Then again, this is someone who thinks coffee theft is somehow impeding shelters getting more resources, so u/G2046H was never capable of putting together a coherent perspective on this matter.


G2046H t1_j0qsg7w wrote

Dude, you don’t have a leg to stand on anymore. You are just embarrassing yourself at this point. Also, maybe try bringing solutions to the table, next time. Instead of just standing there like a whiny, little elitist and critiquing others for their’s. That literally serves no purpose. You need to try harder.

Whatever, it’s Sunday. I have better things to do with my time, than continue on with this low-level debate, with a total stranger. I’m sorry that you are so bothered. Try and chill out. OK?

Have a great day :)