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FrankBeamer_ t1_j2j7rvg wrote

I can’t help but think at how much of a missed opportunity NYE fireworks are in this city.

Like yeah I get the ball drop is iconic and a tradition at this point, but it’s also fucking boring compared to the fireworks displays London and Sydney put up every year. Hell, London had a drone countdown clock this year which looked so cool.

Imagine fireworks on the east river and shooting out of the Brooklyn/Manhattan bridges. Could be so much cooler if they tried and more accessible to the rest of the city versus cramming a million people in a 10 square block radius.


actualtext t1_j2mpfv7 wrote

I don’t have pets but apparently fireworks can be quite harmful to pets so I guess from that perspective it’s good that they don’t have fireworks popping off. But a drone show would be cool. Or if they considered having a ball drop in every borough to start a new expanded tradition.


nybx4life t1_j2talbn wrote

I assume it would have to be in two separate spots; Times Square for the ball drop, and maybe Battery Park for the fireworks.

Can't do both at the same time, so you keep the countdown to New Year's, and the evening of the day.

Also, Sanitation would hate to have to pick up from two spots.