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grownrespect t1_j2gxv2e wrote

Happy new year in the only time zone that matters


EagleFly_5 t1_j2gyzhr wrote

#Happy New Year šŸŽŠ

May 2023 bring a bundle of joy to you & those in your lives. Iā€™m hopeful itā€™ll be a better year for us all in/near the city, so much is in store for our journals to chronicle in life.

(Also MTA & NYC gods, donā€™t make the city even more expensive than it already is with the almost certain fare hike & rise in cost of just about everything thatā€™s due this year. šŸ™šŸ¼)


FrankBeamer_ t1_j2j7rvg wrote

I canā€™t help but think at how much of a missed opportunity NYE fireworks are in this city.

Like yeah I get the ball drop is iconic and a tradition at this point, but itā€™s also fucking boring compared to the fireworks displays London and Sydney put up every year. Hell, London had a drone countdown clock this year which looked so cool.

Imagine fireworks on the east river and shooting out of the Brooklyn/Manhattan bridges. Could be so much cooler if they tried and more accessible to the rest of the city versus cramming a million people in a 10 square block radius.


manormortal t1_j2mbdvo wrote

>Bus service in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan and Queens is >running on a Saturday schedule >If your bus does not normally operate on a Saturday, it will not run today.

>Note: Staten Island bus service runs on a Sunday schedule

Staten stays getting disrepected.

Get out and enjoy the last weekday of demon student free service.


actualtext t1_j2mpfv7 wrote

I donā€™t have pets but apparently fireworks can be quite harmful to pets so I guess from that perspective itā€™s good that they donā€™t have fireworks popping off. But a drone show would be cool. Or if they considered having a ball drop in every borough to start a new expanded tradition.


LWSNYC t1_j2oxkeq wrote

Are the tourists gone yet?


No_Bodybuilder_7940 t1_j2sghdo wrote

Hey! I filed a police report for a lost passport and requested a copy online through the FOIL act. I was wondering how long from acknowledgment would I be able to receive it. I'm flying out on January 15th and was wondering if I would be able to get it before then?


nybx4life t1_j2talbn wrote

I assume it would have to be in two separate spots; Times Square for the ball drop, and maybe Battery Park for the fireworks.

Can't do both at the same time, so you keep the countdown to New Year's, and the evening of the day.

Also, Sanitation would hate to have to pick up from two spots.


Fawsie t1_j2vnjwx wrote

MTA Hiring Job, I need help please!!

i just found out the MTA is hiring for Fare Enforcement Agent, i would love to apply but it says i need a drivers license even though you donā€™t need to drive from what the job description says, but i do have my permit & it also states i need a State Security Guard Registration Card or show valid proof of filing for a New York State Security Guard Registration Card which i do not have but i can easily start applying for one. Can i still apply to this job even though i donā€™t have the driverā€™s license? i need help ASAP please even though thereā€™s 11 days until they close the application. this is my only hope to get a good paying city job sadly. (


iv2892 t1_j39tu6x wrote

Loudly mumbling to yourself out loud in the streets grounds for Eric Adams to take you to the psych ward ?


Mies-van-der-rohe t1_j3id6rn wrote

Couple train stations in bk are truly foul smelling this week - Nostrand a/c and Nassau g. Anyone know whatā€™s up with that?


iamiamwhoami t1_j3k6qfd wrote

What happened to the crime thread? It was nice not having NYPost articles be spammed in the sub.


EagleFly_5 t1_j3k7xbc wrote

Trial/vote was until Sunday (8 January 2023/day before this comment) as the last sentence indicated, so wait and see until the votes/results are made public on whether the community at large wants a crime thread or not!

If you were referring to the month long experiment we had in November 2022 on consolidating crime posts in a thread, we did held a vote (mentioned above) last week whether it should be reinstated again on a more permanent matter, or not.


achillezzz t1_j3nw4yw wrote

What are folks favorite things to do in NYC? I know the list is probably huge, but moved here ~1 year ago and still figuring things out.


elizabeth-cooper t1_j3okdtd wrote

My cell phone is being spammed with people trying to convince me that the Caesars Palace Times Square project is a good idea.


ciotS_Cynic t1_j3shzr4 wrote

I found a new beats earbuds in uptown. Any thoughts on how to trace its owner?


IntimidatedPoster t1_j3t48bv wrote

Iā€™m trying to remember a clothing boutique when I visited. I remember part of the store front having R O N I C (or O) in it. It was a modern looking storefront with a spaced font. Does this ring a bell to anyone?


DavidTheTraveler t1_j3tnrgs wrote

How long is a good amount of time to get a feel if I want to move to NYC?

I work remotely in tech and I was gonna try to trial out living in NYC since Iā€™m thinking about moving here. I wanna see if I would enjoy so want to know how much time is a good amount where I can get a good feel if I want to relocate to New York.

Any advice appreciated!


manormortal t1_j40s3av wrote

Tired of this spring in January bs. Didn't spend all this money on winter clothes to let my hangers alone wear them.


iv2892 t1_j43ajva wrote

Itā€™s insane how Philly with 1.5 million people has almost twice the total amount of murder than NYC which has 8.8 mil + lots of tourists and commuters from NJ and CT all year round


bozofire123 t1_j47hj67 wrote

Maybe I was not aware but whatā€™s with people burning incense on subway platforms and overpasses. Iā€™ve seen the past few days


JSavageOne t1_j4adbub wrote

Back in NYC after being gone for a while, is it just me or has the city peaked? Manhattan doesn't even seem cool anymore. With the rise of remote work, it just seems like less and less people will put up with the overpriced garbage housing accommodations. You basically need to be rich to rent the nice places, and if you're rich then you'll prob disappear for the winter to Dubai or Singapore or somewhere warm. All that will remain in NYC will be locals with family here, students, and people just visiting in town. Families will move further to the outskirts where prices and accommodation are more reasonable, or just leave the NYC tri-state area altogether. NYC has a bit of monopoly power in being the only serious large city in the U.S that's walkable, but it's massively overpriced with shitty housing, and the remote work exodus will lead to the decline of its "cool" factor as it turns into the washed up old guy at the party who used to be popular back in high school. The ambitious people who would've moved to NYC and put up with paying $2,500 to live in a tiny dark roach-infested walkup tenement building with roommates will instead become globetrotting digital nomads and then move to more affordable 2nd-tier cities to pop out hippy babies with European views on work/life balance.


manormortal t1_j4bers0 wrote

This better be the only surprise white stuff dripping all over my face for the season.


Serious_Specific_357 t1_j4eixl1 wrote

Has anyone found a pharmacy with Dextroamphetamine in stock? I mean not adderall but the immediate release Dextroamphetamine. Thanks!


manormortal t1_j4fqjxh wrote

Wind slapping bitches harder than Dana White out here šŸ‘€


realdetox t1_j4lntji wrote

Iā€™m visiting NYC from 8-11 February and looking for a spot to have late lunch/early dinner. Staying in the garment district. Also looking for spots to get great breakfast/brunch, bagels/bagel sandwiches, Chinese food in Chinatown, pizza by the slice, and any other ā€œmust havesā€ in NYC


manormortal t1_j4qoadu wrote

The B8 really becomes the senior citizen local slug after 9AM, sheesh. How the hell are they not splitting that line in the redesign?


TribecaBleach t1_j4saz1k wrote

Hi everyone, is there a recommended website/app to calculate your take home pay living in NYC? Anticipating a move and would like to know


spicytoastaficionado t1_j4vzqz0 wrote

Much like the weekly crime thread, I propose a weekly George Santos thread.

I've noticed a growing number of people, including those who don't otherwise post on this sub, are using the Santos scandals to farm karma by posting every random article they can find on here.

For instance, today alone two people have posted a total of six different articles on here, including one user spamming 3 articles in the span of 10 minutes.


JSavageOne t1_j4ymig7 wrote

For sure it's cooler than the suburbs and I'd recommend any single 20s something person live in NYC over any suburb. But once you get tired of partying and find a nice girl/guy, get established in your career, and tired of paying top dollar for crap accommodation in a stressed out nature-starved environment, it prob makes sense to move out. Though I guess that was always the move anyways - just instead of settling in a New Jersey suburb now you can just live anywhere because f*ck offices.


iv2892 t1_j4yw92r wrote

Iā€™m surprised George santos hasnā€™t gotten itā€™s own thread


Lost_Suggestion8876 t1_j52jnj9 wrote

I want to use a rowing machine (erg) twice per month. Is there a cheap place that has them for a small fee?


Horseboy108 t1_j55sdz9 wrote

Honestly imo this always works out way better if you have interests and want to learn how to pursue them in the city. That's when things open up. Otherwise, you just end up spending a bunch of time and money basically shopping and getting nowhere. So, decide what you want to do on a personal level and then go find it (and it will be there because NYC has everything).

On a surface level, NYC has everything most other cities have; museums, shopping, restaurants, shows, concerts, bars, monuments and tourist attractions, parks, etc...but these aren't really sustainable as "fun" things to do in the long run (maybe concerts and shows sure, but not everyone is into that all the time). Nor is shopping or bar hopping a fulfilling and worthwhile "hobby" for very long. So you gotta dig a little deeper if you want longevity and sustainability.


Infamous_Scientist_7 t1_j5809jf wrote

Would you rather; Arrive to the train with 1 minute until it leaves, every time you ride and have the stress go not knowing if youā€™ll make it every time, or be 20 minutes early.


anthonymm511 t1_j5aaz2i wrote

This is the second longest itā€™s taken for measurable snow to fall in the city.


deathhand t1_j5inwv6 wrote

I was reading through the thread below and a commentor said that the real reason for return to the office is because upper management is just projecting their own insecurities and their own endless time theft.

Which if you think about really makes sense if your goal is to be "the boss" then you have this jaded leader/follower dichotomy vs just being a great strategist that can do more with scale. I think that's why a lot of smaller places are going to stay fully remote. They are about the work first, prestige later. This means that efficiency of these big places will be going into the toilet next 5 years as talent filters out and their advantages are lost.


THISISDAM t1_j5m2l1j wrote

How nice that DOE employees who paid $5k to falsify their vaccine passports have now returned to work with their jobs and a year plus in back pay.....


spicytoastaficionado t1_j5p2ytp wrote

I brought this up the other week.

There are 2-3 people who spam most of the Santos threads here multiple times a day to farm karma, but otherwise don't actually post here.

At least the people who post about murders and subway shovings are active members on r/nyc


StrikingRush8021 t1_j5wdars wrote

Going to be in the city in 3 days is there any app that can help me commute with buses and subways and allat?


iv2892 t1_j6o6zp2 wrote

Looks like Brooklyn and queens got their first little shot of snow of the season