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michael_scarn17 t1_j6nwm7e wrote

Ok I’m going to say this. I have an 8 week old who spent 12 total days in the NICU. Originally mt sinai west (58th and 10th) 11 nights there and 1 night at Sinai East. To gain access to the NICU at Sinai west, you needed to go to a wash station, wash with soap and water, then use medical grade sanitizer, then you can be buzzed in. My son had his own little half of an open room maybe 90 sq ft. Our own large comfy chair plus a visitor seat, a curtain that can close off so my wife can pump or feed or if we need privacy. Only one other baby across from him with their own 90 sq ft and same set up. Very quiet, staff was great. Very clean and you feel safe knowing your baby is in good hands.

My son needed to be transferred to Sinai east since it is a Children’s hospital and the specialist was located there….. never again will I go to this hospital. This was 2 weeks before the strike.

You walk in, it’s not clean. No hand washing station. My son was in a 50sq ft open space next to 3 other babies. And there is another 4 babies on the other side of the room. So 8 babies in a 100 sq ft space compared to 2 in a 180sq ft space. There is only one chair which is not comfortable and no privacy so hard to feed and/or pump. Nurses are much louder and overwhelmed. I looked at my wife and said my child is not staying here longer than 1 night I don’t care I will fight to get him transferred to another hospital.

I can’t say enough good things about my experience in the NICU at mount sinai west and how horrible it was on the east side. Over crowded and dirty. For the sickest of babies they do have isolation rooms which are in good condition but for the 90% of babies there, it’s a nightmare.