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koreamax t1_j6od0cj wrote

Seriously. Do you read my comments, or do you just wait for a response so you can say the same thing again?


binghamtonswag t1_j6oe2oj wrote

I read your comments just fine. I disagree with your conclusions for the reasons stated. You haven't exactly added much to the discussion your last 3 posts.


koreamax t1_j6oi9wo wrote

Sounds like you're unwilling to entertain the idea that this issue might be more complex than "management bad and greedy." I provided several reasons why this goes beyond management not having the foresight to hire temporary nurses in anticipation for the strike. You just chose to immediately downvote and disregard what I said. If someone provides an argument against your points and all you can say is I'm wrong, you clearly aren't very confident in what you're saying.


binghamtonswag t1_j6okhxv wrote

I provided several solutions to the problems you posited. You are the one who comes off extremely inflexible and unwilling to consider other viewpoints in this discussion. I didn’t even downvote you, are you aware there’s more than 1 other user on Reddit? I get that being downvoted can sometimes feel unpleasant and put you on the defensive but these last two posts of yours are just a really bad look, not going to sugar coat it.