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thisfilmkid t1_j6a0n4n wrote

I take the subway three days a week.

These cops, a lot of them, are young (under 40), chill, and very attentive. I'm happy to see them in the subway. I try to make them feel welcomed by saying hello. And if I'm on the platform, I spark up a quick chat about life and a "take care, see you soon" when my train comes.

When you start talking to them, you finally realize they're people like me and you. They know the area and the community and might even know someone you know.

Despite all the issues surrounding police, not all of them are alike. I dislike some of them. And I love seeing some of them.


djn24 t1_j6e1026 wrote

One of the big issues that a lot of activist groups have called out in regards to policing is the disconnect between police and the communities they patrol. If they don't live in and participate in the community, then it creates a disconnect between them and the people they're supposed to be serving.

It's good to hear that you've had friendly interactions with them.


smg2720 t1_j6aejuh wrote

They’re people like you and me? Sorry I don’t murder people with the state sponsoring me.


stealthnyc t1_j6amhqj wrote

Every cop murders people? This is a horrible generalization. If a New York resident murders someone, we can say all New Yorkers are murderers?


smg2720 t1_j6antm9 wrote

We live in an era with an incredibly high level of cops killing innocent civilians, or have you not been watching the news for the last couple of years? If I generalize so be it.


Grass8989 t1_j6augji wrote

The NYPD have the least amount of police related shootings/killings of any major police dept in this country. Stop fear mongering.


manateefourmation t1_j6gpyc0 wrote

Exactly. Thank you. And I’m not a cop but I’m a life long New Yorker who hates these silly fact-less arguments.


smg2720 t1_j6av6hx wrote

Point taken but I’m not fear mongering I’m responded to nationwide incidents that have rocked our nation, a long history of police brutality in NYC and elsewhere, and my lives experience.


manateefourmation t1_j6gpqa4 wrote

No. We live in an era of cameras everywhere so police misconduct is sensationalized.

This is one of these silly statements that dominate rational discussion. For example, people, when surveyed, think the world is poorer now than 50 years ago, when actually poverty has been cut in half.

Just because the internet lets you see everything now, and everyone records everything, doesn’t mean that we live in an era of more police misconduct.