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CuatroBoy t1_j5cecqm wrote

Can someone paste the article or smt cause not all of us have a times subscription


octoreadit t1_j5cg8od wrote

Must have given them some valuable intel.


octoreadit t1_j5cnk9s wrote

How about this: "Prosecutors cited recorded phone calls in charging Officer Angwang and said he had reported regularly to two Chinese consular officials in New York on the activities of ethnic Tibetans."

Totally fine, right? Who doesn't do it?


octoreadit t1_j5col28 wrote

"As a result of our continued investigation, the government obtained additional information bearing on the charges,” prosecutors said in a recent court filing, adding that it would dismiss the charges “in the interests of justice” for Baimadajie Angwang.

"The filing did not provide any details on the additional information."

So, took 3 years to figure out there was nothing, right? 😄


skydream416 t1_j5cp4d5 wrote

ok i'll make it super simple for you:

  • first, they investigated this guy for 3 years
  • then, they dropped the charges "in the interests of justice"
  • so, this means they concluded he wasn't guilty.

> So, took 3 years to figure out there was nothing, right? 😄

yes! good job, you did it!


Vegetable-Length-823 t1_j5cq00g wrote

Article says he was a marine then it mentioned the army also trying to "keep good relations" with the country you just defected from. Too many lies. This feels like another one.


[deleted] OP t1_j5cqm49 wrote

> "keep good relations" with the country

lol he called consular officials to try and get a visa so he could visit his family. most people are able to send their passports to a fixer who will take care of it for you without needing an official consular visit


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j5crn98 wrote

Nobody sat down for 40 hours a week for 3 years listening to this guy’s phone calls. Someone made a report, it sat on someone else’s desk for a year, handed to someone who doesn’t speak Chinese and recoded phone calls for investigation, sent the calls to another person who couldn’t get to them until now and realized wait this is bullshit.

Court cases are extremely slow.


nycdataviz t1_j5dcdt4 wrote

Yeah bro, and COVID was just a random cold strain. There’s nothing at all of interest in an NYPD officer accused of spying for a sovereign country. Nothing to see here, go about your day citizen.

btw I too get all my own thoughts and conclusions from CNN headlines.


nycdataviz t1_j5dn43i wrote

Naïve of you to assume that the U.S. attorney’s office dropping the case indicates that there was no case. The U.S. government creates news and resolves news for diplomatic influence all the time, all year. This was a power move to show Beijing they are onto their moves, and a power move to let it go. The U.S. sends powerful diplomatic and military messages to China in everything it does, to keep China in check.

They will observe the Chinese spy known as "Baimadajie Angwang" for the rest of his days. Zero innocence was proven here. That you can't read that between the lines of the NYT article is laughable. Did you miss the 6th grade social studies class on critical thinking?

Ask yourself this: this man was a marine. Do you think the military wants him even mopping floors in a barracks after this? And do you think the Tibetan community (or any other non-Chinese community) would find his presence comfortable in any corner of the city? The man is a known foreign intelligence spy.

Try to think without the aid of the CCP on that question.


skydream416 t1_j5dp6l1 wrote

what's more normal:

    1. me reading an article about how they dropped the case, and going "guess he's innocent" or at the minimum "guess they couldn't find enough evidence to make their case stick"


    1. whatever nonsense you're spouting

lmao ok here's one for you logicman, have you heard of occam's razor? google it!


nycdataviz t1_j5drsgd wrote

Occam's razor? Cut myself with this one just now:

A foreign national got caught spying on Tibetans on behalf of the Chinese consulate.

Listen, I get it, you're not a CCP shill, you're probably just trying to speak up on behalf of Chinese Americans. China and the United States wage cold war actions against each other every day - you just aren't smart enough to hear about most of it. Get over it, it has nothing to do with race, racism, or AAPI hate.

Angwang is even on the list, with this detail, which was omitted from the NYT article: Angwang's father is a retired member of China's army and a member of the CCP. His mother is also a member of the party and a former government official.

There are literally thousands if not tens of thousands of Chinese spies working on behalf of the CCP in the U.S. The federal government is well aware of it and there are public intelligence briefs on the topic.

You don't need to die on the cross for this one spy, who was literally caught red-handed but didn't have to face jailtime for various diplomatic reasons.


LowellGeorgeLynott t1_j5eoo7n wrote

Chinas gov’t hates Tibet people so much that they’re spying on the ones here?


nycdataviz t1_j5ervzo wrote


Tibet is an illegally occupied state that has faced persecution and genocide at the hands of China over the past 70 years.

China does not want US citizens thinking about this, knowing this, or seeing "Free Tibet" protests on their television screens. They certainly don't want Tibetan expatriates in the US lobbying for US support for Tibetan independence.

The abuse of Tibetans by the Chinese government is bad enough that over 100 monks and nuns in Tibet have self-immolated themselves in the last 10 years to draw attention to the suffering of their people.


LanEvo7685 t1_j5ezfkg wrote

I don't care if charges are dropped, if I'm a Tibetan I'm never trusting this guy.


AnacharsisIV t1_j5f9fhr wrote

>A trial had been scheduled for July, but in a filing on Friday, prosecutors asked that the indictment against Officer Angwang be dismissed “in the interests of justice” because of the emergence of “additional information bearing on the charges.”

So do you think he flipped and turned informant, or do you think the Chinese government framed him?


FFLNY t1_j5gatln wrote

The CCP is everywhere and they care about every word that is spoken about them they have a police station in NYC they operate over 100 police stations in countries outside of China. There's even articles detailing how they sabotaged Shen Yun transport vehicles. You know they absolutely hate the Shen Yun tag-line China before Communism