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the_real_orange_joe t1_j676hjw wrote

70 affordable housing units would have been built. How many affordable housing units will the parking lot have?


pompcaldor t1_j66zwxy wrote

Anybody have a link to the judge’s ruling?

Edit: South St. Seaport Coalition, Inc. v Landmarks Preservation Commn. of the City of N.Y., via

Summary: LPC has landmarked a parking lot for decades, and now they have no good explanation why it’s suddenly no longer landmarked.


signal_tower_product t1_j69ir8z wrote

Who tf landmarks a parking lot? What is so historic about it,


chengjih t1_j6b423k wrote

The people who get the parking lot landmarked are the people across the street enjoying the nice views of Brooklyn. If it's landmarked, no one can build a tall building that would block that view.


b1argg t1_j6iyy85 wrote

It's in a "historic district" so everything within is landmarked


signal_tower_product t1_j6jefr8 wrote

Tf that’s dumb


b1argg t1_j6jh6zd wrote

Yeah the landmark commission goes way overboard. At this point they're trying to justify the continued existence of their jobs.


signal_tower_product t1_j6jhceq wrote

A landmark commission should still exist but this parking lot shouldn’t be part of it, heck any parking structure shouldn’t be included


b1argg t1_j6mxhui wrote

a lot of landmarks should be rolled back. Why do we need to landmark a building so unique it looks exactly like every other building around it? Everything worth landmarking has already been landmarked.


TeamMisha t1_j6a5pdf wrote

City council should step in and amend regulations such that something as ridiculous as a parking lot cannot be considered historical and is exempt from decision making or input from the LPC.


D14DFF0B t1_j6b9ant wrote

Ban cars and restrictive zoning.


CavediverNY t1_j67xjyf wrote

It’s interesting because I quite literally just read a long article from this sub talking about not only warehousing but property management software that quite literally controls the market by creating artificial scarcity. To be fair I just scanned the article but it seemed like pretty obvious price-fixing as far as I can tell.


Pool_Shark t1_j68ycba wrote

Too many people are trying to make the housing issue a black and white problem. The reality is it’s not as simple as just build more or stop the software. There are thousands of factors at play here and all of them are against the regular people just trying to rent a place.


Spirited_Touch6898 t1_j6beilk wrote

I have no idea what's wrong with this city, anyone walking in that area, can see that parking lot is an eyesore. It has no character, and in my view little to no historical value, just a paved over piece of land. If they made it into a much needed park, that would be a much better idea over any building.


visitor987 t1_j68l2q8 wrote

Its the city council fault they set the zoning they can change the zoning.


Meowdl21 t1_j68ju7d wrote

Used to be the cheapest lot in fidi to park, even cheaper than the tenant “discount” for the garage at my building. I miss it 😢


queensnyatty t1_j68fgx7 wrote

The judge doesn’t care about a parking lot or the views. Judges are human beings they sometimes have an agenda or biases, but most cases they don’t have any dog in the race.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j67igdn wrote

End judicial immunity, so that the judge can be sued personally for infringing the constitutional housing rights of New Yorkers.


NateArcade t1_j678ak3 wrote

I wonder what the proposed building would have looked like. It'd be nice not to have another Anytown, USA cookie cutter.


JE163 t1_j673pwj wrote

If it’s another monstrosity mega building that only the super rich can afford, then I’d prefer the parking lot too


George4Mayor86 t1_j683prn wrote

If you hate “monstrosity mega buildings” you should probably live basically anywhere except New York.


PM-Nice-Thoughts t1_j69d0k2 wrote

Example #18,467 of this sub not understanding what supply and demand is