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qdpb t1_j2qbp7p wrote

Hell yeah! Wish she was just a boring another woman governor, but gotta celebrate small wins, and hope that things get much better.


fafalone t1_j2r0p8c wrote

You go girl, proving a woman governor in NY can be every bit as much a corporate owned corrupt sellout as a man, fucking the people every bit as hard!


nycdataviz t1_j2r26r6 wrote

It’s so meaningful and powerful and symbolic that the sexual abuser ex-Governor’s appointee continues to lead the state after his resignation.


GlitteringHighway t1_j2rkjxt wrote


Edit: She sabotaged the right to repair bill last second by changing a few words before she signed it. This is how democrats sabotage their base….by being corporate shills.

This is also how Trump and populist fascism gained power. Both parties are not the same but this is Dems shooting themselves in the foot.


huebomont t1_j2rly84 wrote

lol the most tired comeback possible.

you don’t have to be able to or want to do something to identify when someone it doing it badly.

like, I don’t want to defend Kathy Hochul. I wouldn’t be good at it. But I can definitively say you’re doing a bad job.


Crafty_Sprinkles7978 t1_j2rmulh wrote

Is that like your go to comeback?? You have to know that not everyone is a fan. You find no faults with her?? If you don't, you're ignorant and if you do, "why don't you run for state legislature if you think you can do better". Thank you for posting about today being her sworn in today but that's all you had to do. Now move the hell on 🙄


nychuman t1_j2rrt0m wrote

Least inspiring governor possibly since the inception of New York as a state.


Folmz t1_j2rs0y6 wrote

She she gave herself a raise before she was even sworn in?


huebomont t1_j2ry1us wrote

another snoozer! no one is claiming that they, specifically, would do better. they are saying she's not doing well. if you can't even participate in the same argument stop replying.


EzNotReal t1_j2rzbzd wrote

So is anyone ever allowed to be upset about anything? Can I complain about pot holes or will your response be that I should try becoming a construction worker? Am I allowed to be upset about power outages or am I not allowed to unless I work at a power plant? You are so fucking absurd and if you’re legitimately unaware of how fallacious your logic is and not actively trying to argue in bad faith it’s kinda sad.


Deluxe78 t1_j2s2wxw wrote

Can’t wait to fix my iPhone… ohhh wait she sabotaged that too


Grass8989 t1_j2s6260 wrote

It’s almost as if NY is a moderate state and not far left like the Reddit crowd likes to perpetuate.

Edit: and the downvotes proving my point.


Foxhoundsmi t1_j2s86jf wrote

NY state is beyond hopeless for regular people.


ExtrasiAlb t1_j2s8yjj wrote

I have 0 background in this field. But I want to see change enough that Id throw my hat in the ring. I'd like to think people would vote for someone who just wants to do the right thing. I'd get assassinated day 1 lol


sha256md5 t1_j2s9525 wrote

People don't get elected based on their ability to do the job well, that's the problem. They get elected based on who they pander to and how well they do that. Hochul sucks.


EzNotReal t1_j2sa00l wrote

Democracy runs on public discourse. The public discusses amongst themselves the problems they have with the current administration and determines whether they want to re-elect incumbents. The public should not all run for office if they have a problem, they vote for another candidate that will do hopefully do what they want.

I really don’t understand what you want, should I never complain about public officials with other voters and advocate for change without having to uproot my life plans and run for office? Like in your world is it wrong for me to do anything about issues I have with government other than run for office or get a generic email back from an intern when I write my congressperson? Do you understand issues I have with your line of thought at all?


brianvan t1_j2sboud wrote

Wow Lee Zeldin has a lot of Reddit alt accounts today