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Kaekru t1_j2tulf7 wrote

The amount of people making quirky and sarcastic comments is astonishing


BklynBeat t1_j2tw7k7 wrote

It’s because everyone knows the police don’t do anything to punish drivers yet blame it on anything else they possibly can.

I got t-boned on my motorcycle by a driver making an illegal turn. They tried to drive off but I got in-front of their car and a bystander helped. Police came she straight up told them she made an illegal turn and hit me blaming me for being in her way. They didn’t give her a ticket or anything I had to practically beg them to write an incident report.


Nikolllllll t1_j2u5rw2 wrote

You are lucky they even showed up. A lot of times they don't even bother even if there are injuries.


iv2892 t1_j2uh4tr wrote

Maybe we need to set up a bounty system so people can anonymously report hit and run drivers and collect 25% of the fine while the city collects the rest


casicua t1_j2ukhgi wrote

Cops actively refuse to do anything now because they got their fee fees hurt when people wanted bad cops held accountable. They’re really teaching us all a lesson for not licking enough boot.


iv2892 t1_j2tz0fq wrote

Maybe if they are cops , I still had to go to court and get my points removed because I was doing 35 on a 25mph. So something like this has to be MUCH worse in terms of punishments unless they have connections of course


_Maxolotl t1_j2uobvd wrote

Dark humor is an essential coping mechanism in a dystopia.


qdpb t1_j2veuvl wrote

Indeed. In a normal city shit like this would never be possible. Here, just a matter of time. All that’s left is jokes :(