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Pool_Shark t1_j4s3ni6 wrote

Why is this quote hurting my head to wrap around the meaning


09-24-11 t1_j4v2v9b wrote

I tried to read it so many times.

The amount of people who commute to lower manhattan by car, who also live more than a 10 minute walk to public transit, is less than 0.01%.


Mariowario64 t1_j4wk5zc wrote

It basically means build it and they will come i.e. when people have reliable public transportation access, they use it.


TeamMisha t1_j4tdepc wrote

They had an argument in another thread that's now here too. I'm not sure what the article here has to do with the other, besides it being well documented that Queens lacks subway transit in many areas, which better TOD would fix either by expanding transit or giving people more opportunities to move closer to transit.


jmlinden7 t1_j4w6k7j wrote

(Lower manhattan car commuters who live >10 minutes from a train/express bus stop)/(total lower manhattan car commuters) = some number less than 0.1%


HEIMDVLLR t1_j4s8g6m wrote

The above quoted bullshit is what was told to me by that user. Who clearly doesn’t live in NYC. Claimed that percentage came directly from an MTA’s report. Trying to downplay my real life experience as someone living in the eastern part of Queens.

The highlighted areas are.. > part of New York within one kilometer (0.62 miles) of a subway station (see the figure above). The typical person would need to walk about 10-15 minutes to catch a train


jm14ed t1_j4sgi3g wrote

Wow.. I thought you didn’t believe in facts..?

I’m not surprised you can’t figure out the difference here.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j4sh7k6 wrote

Please explain what the difference is, I’ve been dying for you to explain it.


jm14ed t1_j4shvto wrote

Why should I waste any more time on you?

You admitted that you don’t care about facts and you clearly have your head firmly between your two cheeks.

Not sure why you feel like stalking me.

Edit: I’m honored that you blocked me. Good luck continuing to live in ignorance.