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Outrageous-Debate-64 t1_j51v5s1 wrote

Gotta factor in 2-3 cars flying through a red light before you go. Grinds my gears


TrumpLicksBalls00 t1_j53cncl wrote

Is the flying through red lights a new thing? The other day I saw literally 5 cars beep, one after the other, acting as if their Camry is a disguised fire ambulance, running through the red light. That needs to be squashed because it’s going to kill someone


Ed_Zeppelin t1_j53fbhj wrote

I watched a fucking 18 wheeler blow right through a red light in BK today


CantSeeShit t1_j54cb2t wrote

In all fairness, sometimes the lights are quick as shit. I'll be going well under the speed limit at like 20 mph and below and I'm just too heavy to make the yellow. When the lights are timed I can predict and start my stop while the light is still green but sometimes it'll happen to fast for me to stop especially when it's wet and the road is rough.


bbien12 t1_j53a17d wrote

One would say get 10 dash cams, 4 point seat belts, neck brace and you got yourself a nice business driving within speed limits, second after your light turns green.