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Offthepoint t1_j51vftq wrote

I've got news for you, a lot of people aren't stopping for red lights - all over the place! As for the double parking in Inwood/WH, it's been that way for decades.


mowotlarx t1_j51xl3m wrote

If NYPD bothered to try to enforce traffic laws, perhaps by writing tickets at intersections where the worst violations happen, people might be more cognizant of stopping at reds. Things are as bad as they are because NYPD refuses to do their jobs.


Refreshingpudding t1_j52bdxk wrote

They only show up at wh after ppl get shot. Sometimes when the black cabs were getting murdered. Then once a year when the cops graduated they walk around on foot. Once a year.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53hh8n wrote

If they showed up before someone gets shot they’d be called hyper aggressive for arresting people for crimes that were never committed.

And also; they routinely do show up “before” someone gets shot: the vast majority of their gun arrests are made without any shots fired on either side.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j53loih wrote

Unless I’m missing something, the cop has to stop the vehicle to write a summons.

But if the driver refuses to stop, they can’t be chased according to their rules.

So here’s the loophole to never get a moving violation infraction ticket in NYC: never stop for a cop.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j52i287 wrote

Who did you vote for in your last DA election?


YaksInSlax t1_j52kc5t wrote

So you agree that cops are "punishing" the public by not doing their jobs because they disagree with who was elected DA?


kiklion t1_j52m2s9 wrote

Did any DA run on a platform of cracking down on double parking?


bangbangthreehunna t1_j52p1nm wrote

Were talking traffic laws, which DA has a role in with reckless driving, dwi, fake plates, etc


mowotlarx t1_j52pjbb wrote

What role do they play? Please tell us how Alvin Bragg, who you seem to think is the only DA in New York City, stops NYPD from writing traffic tickets and enforcing basic non-criminal traffic laws


bangbangthreehunna t1_j52rki8 wrote

Gonzalez and Clark have been doing the same for years. Its all broken windows. Criminals know they can get away with low level felonies and vast major of misdemeanors. That translate to recklessness and lack of care.


mowotlarx t1_j52tvmg wrote

DAs can't do anything if cops don't bother to go out and write tickets and arrest people. Besides, these traffic stops generally aren't criminal charges. The cops are just lazy and negligent.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j52u73a wrote

Why would you do enforcement when it means nothing? Would someone make dinner for 10 if they knew only 3 were eating? No


mowotlarx t1_j52zzr1 wrote

Keep going in circles to find a way this isn't the fault of the NYPD.

These are traffic violations, not murders. You think Big Bad Bragg is doing BaiL ReFoRm for people who use fake plates? No. The cops refuse to enforce because most of them don't live here, drive in from elsewhere and have illegal plates on their own cars.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j53159w wrote

If you're so pro enforcement, then you believe in broken windows. Its all 1 big circle.


mowotlarx t1_j536vrr wrote

Do you even know what broken windows is/was? It wasn't referring to white folks in SUVs near police precincts in Brooklyn running red lights and using license plate covers.


[deleted] t1_j53ddwc wrote

It is absolutely worse than it was pre-pandemic.


Refreshingpudding t1_j52b86e wrote

White people only started moving in 15 years or so ago so they don't know. I I forget, that's around the time Starbucks was built by the subway station
