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LouisSeize t1_j52cgw4 wrote

> District attorneys can’t really prosecute vehicular stuff. It’s all about proving intent and the way legal statutes are written, it is next to impossible for da’s to prove intent when a car is involved.

That's completely incorrect. No intent is required to be proved for most moving violations including red lights and speeding.

District Attorneys do not usually prosecute moving violations since the creation of the Traffic Violations Bureau (and its predecessor agencies) at least 40 years ago.


madeyoulookatmynuts t1_j52eun7 wrote

I’m talking about mowing someone down, not simply running a red light.


matzoh_ball t1_j52kcti wrote

It would help if they gave everyone who runs a red light to a stop sign a juicy ticket. But they won’t even do that since 2020.