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Mattna-da t1_j52po2h wrote

Correction: after the BLM protests the NYPD is on an intentional work stoppage until we all come crying back to them for stop and frisk and extrajudicial killings


Laluci t1_j53f02m wrote

A lot of the people terrorizing the city are repeat offenders. Which means the cops did their job 30 times and the system let them out.


yuriydee t1_j53wt69 wrote

Damn I still remember watching some live streams of shitload of police following and barricading the protesters marching up 8th ave while at the exact same time Soho was getting looted all over the place. Like someone surely gave them the order just let all that shit go right?


user_joined_just_now t1_j58hemd wrote

It's really funny how the progressives on this sub oscillate between "police don't reduce crime and crime went down when they went on strike" and "police not doing their job is the reason why people are breaking the law so much".


Scroticus- t1_j53uhk3 wrote

Police are still arresting people, they just get out 2 hours later ROR.


totalreidmove t1_j53unj1 wrote

The same people tasked with dealing with literal hardened criminals on the daily, and are issued a gun with the hope that they don’t kill without reason, but to possibly save their own lives. Yes, those police. When was the last time you feared for your life at your workplace? Bring on the downvotes. Every public service job - firefighter, cops, teachers - deserves double the salary of what they make currently.


Refreshingpudding t1_j553jnh wrote

They make more than soldiers in a literal warzone

Ps the top cop killer precovid is traffic accidents

Post covid... Well it's COVID

Lots of professions with higher fatalities than cops

They do get trained to be scared of everything thought


[deleted] t1_j539wkp wrote



[deleted] t1_j53d248 wrote

> BLM wanted the community to have no police presence

…no? I heard a lot of people talking about better allocation of resources so the police aren’t dealing with homeless people, the mentally ill, not arming them with army-level tanks, etc etc. Yeah, there are/were extremists, same as every movement. Seems like a waste of everyone’s time to focus on them, though.

If all you’re willing to see is the right wing trope of a movement there’s never going to be any progress.


RyuNoKami t1_j53a7ak wrote

That's my conspiracy theory. Eventually the government is gonna swing back hard. We did fucking elect a cop as mayor.


fluffstravels t1_j52qdsa wrote

