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Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53hwge wrote

People cried against Broken Windows because cops were wasting their time on minor crimes instead of “real crimes”. Now minor shit is on the rise and people are crying that police don’t enforce broken windows. It’s a pendulum. Things will get worse before they get better.


DawgsWorld t1_j55yn1s wrote

You have it backwards and apparently don't understand Broken Windows policing. It was proven that if you enforce minor infractions, the big ones just occur much less or not at all. That's the whole basis of the theory, and it worked extremely well. Nowhere was this more evident than with turnstile jumpers. People who committed serious crimes thought nothing of fare-beating, but law enforcement was there to arrest them. More often than not, these perps had laundry lists of priors. The "minor shit" you refer to will escalate to major shit if it's not stopped. If there were issues with Broken Windows, they could have been addressed. I think most of us would agree a white person who urinates in public should be treated the same way as a person of color committing the same violation.