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co_matic t1_j51u2kk wrote

The double parking in Inwood/Washington Heights is unreal


ApplicationNo2506 t1_j5233wi wrote

Double parking on both sides of the road


jaeshellz t1_j527tsa wrote

I’ve seen triple parking. Coming down 207 from broadway. It’s insane.


Beetlejuice_hero t1_j52lus0 wrote

Chick-Fil-A UES 86th & 3rd. Triple parking capital of NYC.

But hey people need their Uber Eats!


sbb214 t1_j52y3wa wrote

I co-sign about uptown. Trying to cross B'way at 204th a couple of nights ago almost run over by a NJ-plated Mustang making a sharp right turn onto 204 heading east. Being followed by police who did the same thing to me. not awesome.

every stop light seems to be stoptional to folks up here. traffic in Jakarta is more civilized.


acheampong14 t1_j534pkk wrote

And now the former Inwood councilman is the commissioner of the Department of Transportation. So this is what happens…


hendrixcii t1_j53tf7y wrote

Came here to say this. I live in BK and work in Inwood. Not to mention the foreign cars doing donuts on busy intersections. Bk is no where near Inwoods level.


CantSeeShit t1_j54bwjl wrote

Savory Deli on Amsterdam and 151st.

All fucken day every day there is a box truck double parked there and it's not the same truck. No way those people getting that many deliveries all day.


Carmilla31 t1_j524uoq wrote

After Covid, laws are just suggestions in NYC now.


Mattna-da t1_j52po2h wrote

Correction: after the BLM protests the NYPD is on an intentional work stoppage until we all come crying back to them for stop and frisk and extrajudicial killings


Laluci t1_j53f02m wrote

A lot of the people terrorizing the city are repeat offenders. Which means the cops did their job 30 times and the system let them out.


yuriydee t1_j53wt69 wrote

Damn I still remember watching some live streams of shitload of police following and barricading the protesters marching up 8th ave while at the exact same time Soho was getting looted all over the place. Like someone surely gave them the order just let all that shit go right?


user_joined_just_now t1_j58hemd wrote

It's really funny how the progressives on this sub oscillate between "police don't reduce crime and crime went down when they went on strike" and "police not doing their job is the reason why people are breaking the law so much".


Scroticus- t1_j53uhk3 wrote

Police are still arresting people, they just get out 2 hours later ROR.


totalreidmove t1_j53unj1 wrote

The same people tasked with dealing with literal hardened criminals on the daily, and are issued a gun with the hope that they don’t kill without reason, but to possibly save their own lives. Yes, those police. When was the last time you feared for your life at your workplace? Bring on the downvotes. Every public service job - firefighter, cops, teachers - deserves double the salary of what they make currently.


Refreshingpudding t1_j553jnh wrote

They make more than soldiers in a literal warzone

Ps the top cop killer precovid is traffic accidents

Post covid... Well it's COVID

Lots of professions with higher fatalities than cops

They do get trained to be scared of everything thought


[deleted] t1_j539wkp wrote



[deleted] t1_j53d248 wrote

> BLM wanted the community to have no police presence

…no? I heard a lot of people talking about better allocation of resources so the police aren’t dealing with homeless people, the mentally ill, not arming them with army-level tanks, etc etc. Yeah, there are/were extremists, same as every movement. Seems like a waste of everyone’s time to focus on them, though.

If all you’re willing to see is the right wing trope of a movement there’s never going to be any progress.


RyuNoKami t1_j53a7ak wrote

That's my conspiracy theory. Eventually the government is gonna swing back hard. We did fucking elect a cop as mayor.


fluffstravels t1_j52qdsa wrote



Outrageous-Debate-64 t1_j51v5s1 wrote

Gotta factor in 2-3 cars flying through a red light before you go. Grinds my gears


TrumpLicksBalls00 t1_j53cncl wrote

Is the flying through red lights a new thing? The other day I saw literally 5 cars beep, one after the other, acting as if their Camry is a disguised fire ambulance, running through the red light. That needs to be squashed because it’s going to kill someone


Ed_Zeppelin t1_j53fbhj wrote

I watched a fucking 18 wheeler blow right through a red light in BK today


CantSeeShit t1_j54cb2t wrote

In all fairness, sometimes the lights are quick as shit. I'll be going well under the speed limit at like 20 mph and below and I'm just too heavy to make the yellow. When the lights are timed I can predict and start my stop while the light is still green but sometimes it'll happen to fast for me to stop especially when it's wet and the road is rough.


bbien12 t1_j53a17d wrote

One would say get 10 dash cams, 4 point seat belts, neck brace and you got yourself a nice business driving within speed limits, second after your light turns green.


Captaintripps t1_j5216m7 wrote

The NYPD absolutely does not give a single iota of a fuck about dangerous drivers. The change would start at the top, but the mayor is a former cop, his DoT has no desire to take over traffic enforcement and fight the NYPD on that (even though they are legally allowed to do so), nor are they approaching traffic safety design in any holisic way, and the council as a group won't touch the NYPD budget at all.

So you're kind of stuck filing 311 complaints or dragging your ass to a "Build the Block" meeting, where some bored sergeant will almost, but never quite give enough of a fuck to help the situation.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53gdad wrote

I guarantee you nothing would change if DOT took over traffic enforcement. It would be the same work with a person wearing different words on their uniform patch. The only way it changes is if fines are increased, vehicle pursuits are authorized, and actual jail time for leading cops on pursuits.

People need to understand they’re fucked 6 ways to Sunday if they get stopped by a cop. They’re not gonna obey the law otherwise because there’s no incentive to be a safe driver.


atyppo t1_j53s2fb wrote

When's the last time you saw NYPD doing any sort of traffic enforcement that isn't easy parking tickets? I honestly can't remember. While I'd love those changes too, let's start with the simple stuff first.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j53kdqp wrote

I still remember when cops were chasing a stolen dirt bike.

Then the criminal caused an accident and died.

Who was at fault? The cops, because they are not suppose to chase.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j5226qp wrote

I noticed a lot more “zero fucks given” across the board since the pandemic. Pedestrians, drivers, cyclist and straphangers just said fuck the rules.

Everyone is ignoring the traffic lights/stop signs, crosswalk signals and distracted by their phones.


Carmilla31 t1_j525ulj wrote

The cops backed off in 2020. Then a ton of cops retired. Now everyone knows theres no consequences so here we are.


matzoh_ball t1_j52jwti wrote

It’s definitely an understaffing issue but the cops that are still around also just won’t do their job. I’ve seen several incidences where people broke traffic laws hardcore (I’m talking excessive speeding, running red lights or stop signs, going against one ways) and the cops that saw it didn’t even bat an eye.


qdpb t1_j53eua5 wrote

Gotta start this with pedestrians, and throw in cyclists and straphangers. Anything to excuse the only party behind the wheel of a 2 ton vehicle.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j553vmu wrote

I started with pedestrians, because we’re all pedestrians first.

After you get out of the car, you have to walk to your destination. After you exit the subway station or get off the bus, you have to walk to your destination. Same with cyclist, they have to get off the bike at some point and walk to their destination.

Vehicles are not your enemy. If you think so, take that goofy shit to r/fuckcars.


qdpb t1_j55kqxr wrote

Thanks man, next can you tell us about how a bill becomes law?

This is a thread about cars not stopping at red lights. Each and every one of these cars is my personal fucking enemy.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j55p6a4 wrote

You just want to argue. My original point is, no one give a fuck about the rules. Which is placing all of US in danger. Just because I own a car doesn’t make me immune from getting hit.

As a driver, I can get t-boned by a car running a red light. I also could hit someone crossing against the light.

Same applies when I park my car and I’m walking to my destination, I have to pay attention while crossing the street, because I can get hit too!


qdpb t1_j56k25e wrote

It's not that owning a car doesn't make you immune from getting hit; it's me not owning a car does make me immune from hitting someone with it. You're saying no one gives a fuck about the rules, but the consequences of a driver not giving a fuck are so much more dire than anyone else not giving a fuck, that by wrapping drivers into the category of "no one", you're excusing them. And they don't have the excuse, they're the only ones with a power of unleashing 2 tons of weight on someone else.

It doesn't matter if I don't pay attention when crossing the street, running the red in your car is still exactly as wrong. You can get hit too, but you're a driver, of course you can get hit, the problem is you're putting other people in danger!

Or perhaps I just don't understand what you mean by "no one gives a fuck about the rules". Why do you think it's relevant to the problem of cars running the red lights?


HEIMDVLLR t1_j56ry1b wrote

Crossing against the light puts you and others in danger as well. You’re forcing a driver to either hit you or swerve and hit someone else.

Ask any driver how they respond when a pedestrian steps into the street or a cyclist blows a red light.


qdpb t1_j575dbp wrote

I'm sure this happens, but again, you're trying to equate two things are are not comparable. About 300 people die each year in New York from cars, and about 0 people die each year in New York from jaywalking. These are different things, on a different scale.

I'm not saying jaywalking is good, of course we should all look both ways and everything. I'm saying it is nothing compared to running red lights in a car. One has nothing to do with another, and one of them is a serious offense, while the other one is a nuissance.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j57922m wrote

They are comparable, because they have a cause and effect on each other. Cars swerving to avoid hitting pedestrians put others in danger. Running across traffic to catch a bus before it pulls off is dangerous. Staring at your phone while crossing the street is dangerous.

Jaywalking have caused accidents, even cyclists complain about pedestrians stepping off the curb into the bike lane and vice-versa, cyclist blowing red lights and hitting pedestrians crossing with the right-of-way.

The point is, everyone has to do better and not be an asshole toward others commuting.


qdpb t1_j57ctas wrote

Here we go again. They don't have a strong cause and effect on each other. Drivers don't kill 300 New Yorkers a year because of jaywalking or pedestrians staring at the phones.

I don't know if you're doing a bit at this point, but it's frankly offensive how over and over you're trying to assign the responsibility for driving responsibly to the people who are not in the car.


HEIMDVLLR t1_j57o2lj wrote

The difference between us is, I drive and know what I see every time I’m driving. You would be surprised how often drivers have to react to inconsiderate pedestrians.

People have this attitude that if they get hit, they can sue. Problem is, you can’t guarantee you will survive the hit.

I have to blow my horn at pedestrians crossing against the light. The person taking their time crossing after the light is flashing to don’t cross, don’t care to look up because they’re distracted by their phone.


qdpb t1_j57u1l4 wrote

I get what you see when you're driving. I just don't understand why that's relevant. Do you think the behavior you see allows you to run red lights? Or why are you recounting these anecdotes?


froggythefish t1_j529hj4 wrote

Before the police can crack down on people not stopping at red lights, the police need to learn they’re actually not allowed to run red lights


malefootlover1 OP t1_j529n8w wrote

they go to lunch and out their lights on to go threw lights. I think because the police are so poorly paid they do not care.


froggythefish t1_j52a38l wrote

Poorly paid??? How is 70k poorly paid? That’s well more than average, and all they need to do is grope people for looking suspicious. Or respond to a welfare check, take some notes, and go back to cruising around town. Or beat up and fine some poor dude for hopping a subway turn style.


ThinVast t1_j539tqc wrote

Here are the facts and sources:

starting salary of NYPD cop 42.5k. starting salary of FDNY $45k. starting salary of sanitation $47k.starting salary of DOE teacher 61k


matzoh_ball t1_j52khsi wrote

NYPD cops start at below 50k. SF cops start at just below 100k. Yes, NYPD are paid shit and we’re getting what we pay for.


LostSomeDreams t1_j534cs8 wrote

Wow their unions suck. The department gets plenty of money, they should be arguing for more of that to go to cops’ homes instead of to their paramilitary armaments and robot dogs. I know they’re unionized…


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52voeo wrote

I dont know what the starting salaries are for cops in 22-23 wasn't there a story about cops going to FL because Florida paid them better and gave bonuses and treated them better. So if they made 70k they would be well off and at least better off. It would depend on how much FL would pay them to relocate?


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52g41k wrote

NYPD DOES NOT MAKE 70K unless they have been there for years. It is the rookie cops and cops 5 years on job they are still low pay.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52gip1 wrote

The cops making the big bucks are inside the station or detective in unmarked cars and on special assignments.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52gpcb wrote

I remember back in 11 a cop was at a deli who was broke and could not afford the cup of coffee. Someone gave him a buck. He was 2 years on the job he said and he made 29k sad!!!!


OrpheusNYC t1_j52t5cu wrote

Hey that guy lied to you.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52tq95 wrote

Are you a cop?

If you look at the starting salaries it shows it so low? Maybe cops got a raise over the years?


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52tu4p wrote

Suffolk county cops make more and are the highest paid cops


OrpheusNYC t1_j52uo9v wrote

Okay, neat. That guy lied to you.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52urfc wrote

ok your a cop


chale122 t1_j53dkgy wrote

Salaries are posted online because it's a public job, on top of that you can see cops making up to 2-300k per year with overtime


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53h7zj wrote

Those are executives and not representative of rank and file. There’s maybe less than 1000 cops making that income, and that’s only because they’re 6/7 tiers of supervision up. Your average street cop is looking at maybe 130 if he’s getting a shitton of overtime and


OrpheusNYC t1_j52uvsp wrote

No, I’m a teacher, and like cops, our salaries are posted online because we are public servants. That dude lied to you.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53gx8s wrote

While you are correct that cops did make 25k a year starting (just over the poverty line as per their contract so they couldn’t qualify for government aid) those same cops had their contract raised to 45k starting and 85k topped out. That being said, look at the neighboring counties, cops making 100 110 120 even 150 a year before overtime doing half the workload NYPD has. They make a “lot” compared to low income jobs but they’re the low income job next to their peers.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j54tb76 wrote

The part of NYC we left out is Manhattan well you cant do to much lawless there because Manhattan has so much cameras.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52gsff wrote

10 years of being a cop or more they make 70 or more.


[deleted] t1_j52kxq5 wrote

Starting salary: $42,500 Salary after 5 ½ years: $85,292.

From the gov website


TapesNStuff t1_j52s9rc wrote

That doesn't include the OT they scam undoubtably earn by the sweat of their porky brow.


Darth_JarJar300 t1_j530wmi wrote

OT + Court Pay + Differential if you work nights + awesome health insurance that's cheap as fuck + etc etc etc


jaeshellz t1_j5280pk wrote

It’s wild out here. Cars are parking on crosswalks by me (university heights). No ticket. No tow. Kids trying to cross the street can’t even do it safely


Offthepoint t1_j51vftq wrote

I've got news for you, a lot of people aren't stopping for red lights - all over the place! As for the double parking in Inwood/WH, it's been that way for decades.


mowotlarx t1_j51xl3m wrote

If NYPD bothered to try to enforce traffic laws, perhaps by writing tickets at intersections where the worst violations happen, people might be more cognizant of stopping at reds. Things are as bad as they are because NYPD refuses to do their jobs.


Refreshingpudding t1_j52bdxk wrote

They only show up at wh after ppl get shot. Sometimes when the black cabs were getting murdered. Then once a year when the cops graduated they walk around on foot. Once a year.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53hh8n wrote

If they showed up before someone gets shot they’d be called hyper aggressive for arresting people for crimes that were never committed.

And also; they routinely do show up “before” someone gets shot: the vast majority of their gun arrests are made without any shots fired on either side.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j53loih wrote

Unless I’m missing something, the cop has to stop the vehicle to write a summons.

But if the driver refuses to stop, they can’t be chased according to their rules.

So here’s the loophole to never get a moving violation infraction ticket in NYC: never stop for a cop.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j52i287 wrote

Who did you vote for in your last DA election?


YaksInSlax t1_j52kc5t wrote

So you agree that cops are "punishing" the public by not doing their jobs because they disagree with who was elected DA?


kiklion t1_j52m2s9 wrote

Did any DA run on a platform of cracking down on double parking?


bangbangthreehunna t1_j52p1nm wrote

Were talking traffic laws, which DA has a role in with reckless driving, dwi, fake plates, etc


mowotlarx t1_j52pjbb wrote

What role do they play? Please tell us how Alvin Bragg, who you seem to think is the only DA in New York City, stops NYPD from writing traffic tickets and enforcing basic non-criminal traffic laws


bangbangthreehunna t1_j52rki8 wrote

Gonzalez and Clark have been doing the same for years. Its all broken windows. Criminals know they can get away with low level felonies and vast major of misdemeanors. That translate to recklessness and lack of care.


mowotlarx t1_j52tvmg wrote

DAs can't do anything if cops don't bother to go out and write tickets and arrest people. Besides, these traffic stops generally aren't criminal charges. The cops are just lazy and negligent.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j52u73a wrote

Why would you do enforcement when it means nothing? Would someone make dinner for 10 if they knew only 3 were eating? No


mowotlarx t1_j52zzr1 wrote

Keep going in circles to find a way this isn't the fault of the NYPD.

These are traffic violations, not murders. You think Big Bad Bragg is doing BaiL ReFoRm for people who use fake plates? No. The cops refuse to enforce because most of them don't live here, drive in from elsewhere and have illegal plates on their own cars.


bangbangthreehunna t1_j53159w wrote

If you're so pro enforcement, then you believe in broken windows. Its all 1 big circle.


mowotlarx t1_j536vrr wrote

Do you even know what broken windows is/was? It wasn't referring to white folks in SUVs near police precincts in Brooklyn running red lights and using license plate covers.


[deleted] t1_j53ddwc wrote

It is absolutely worse than it was pre-pandemic.


Refreshingpudding t1_j52b86e wrote

White people only started moving in 15 years or so ago so they don't know. I I forget, that's around the time Starbucks was built by the subway station


CantSeeShit t1_j5302ha wrote

I drive a semi thru the 5 boroughs, like full sized semi. I fucken get it, you need to double park your fucken box truck or whatever deliver to a store BUT CAN WE PICK ONE SIDE AT LEAST?

Like if 2 people are parked on the left why you gonna park askew on the fucken right so I gotta goddamn turn my truck into a piece of spaghetti to maneuver thru


TekkDub t1_j53e2a7 wrote



Cyril_Clunge t1_j53i06k wrote

Ugh, I used to drive box trucks and Uber drivers would do this all the time. Now I’m in LA where drivers are even more dangerous about ignoring lights and signals.


SavageMutilation t1_j53k2sj wrote

People just park in the middle of the street and go about their business, even when there’s a perfectly good place to pull in next to the curb right there.


ssseltzer t1_j5246r5 wrote

i almost get hit by a car in a crosswalk, with a walk light, twice a week


_Maxolotl t1_j527o2i wrote

more red light cameras.

I'm so fucking tired of watching semitrucks run all the reds near my local elementary school except the one that they know has a camera. put cameras on all of them.


Inig039 t1_j52gk2d wrote

There’s a new vice documentary on this. A lot of people obstruct their license plates, so even if there’s a camera or someone snaps a photo of someone running a red, they can’t track the car. And apparently off duty cops do this all the time, so when they’re on duty they don’t enforce it, when they see an obstructed plate. I was wondering why cars were so confidently honking at ME to get out of the crosswalk, when THEY had a red light. Unless there’s a police officer right there, no consequences. New Yorkers only care about themselves. We need to RFID their cars or something.


madeyoulookatmynuts t1_j523o0k wrote

It’s insane here in kew gardens and forest hills. Over the holidays I saw a family member who is currently NYPD and they shared some context.

Apparently it’s a two factor problem.

  1. The NYPD really doesn’t want to engage with low level stuff. Most officers are legit concerned that traffic stops and low level stuff will escalate, and they feel if it does escalate they won’t be backed up by management. Not saying it’s wrong or right, just that it’s where they’re at mentally now.

  2. District attorneys can’t really prosecute vehicular stuff. It’s all about proving intent and the way legal statutes are written, it is next to impossible for da’s to prove intent when a car is involved. The example they used was this: someone runs a red light and crashes into a parent and stroller. First you gotta prove the car ran the light, second you gotta prove that there was intent to hit that person and their kid. Morally we know the driver is at fault for running a light, but legally it’s much murkier. The minute the driver says it was an accident, or I didn’t see them, or I thought the light was yellow, etc. it becomes legally challenging to prove much of anything. This is why da’s stay away from these. It harms their stats (I.e. winning cases).

This is why Di blasio wanted a task force outside the NYPD at DOT to investigate car crashes and issue recommendations to the da’s.

Lastly the culture around cars has changed. When I learned how to drive 20-22 years ago, my parents (boomers) were pretty adamant that hitting someone was morally wrong. It was tied to a values system. Nowadays most people relegate accidents to an insurance issue, not a moral one. Hit someone, too bad my insurance will cover it. At worst my premium goes up. That’s the new mentality and it leads to risky behaviors that border in antisocial behavior.


LouisSeize t1_j52cgw4 wrote

> District attorneys can’t really prosecute vehicular stuff. It’s all about proving intent and the way legal statutes are written, it is next to impossible for da’s to prove intent when a car is involved.

That's completely incorrect. No intent is required to be proved for most moving violations including red lights and speeding.

District Attorneys do not usually prosecute moving violations since the creation of the Traffic Violations Bureau (and its predecessor agencies) at least 40 years ago.


madeyoulookatmynuts t1_j52eun7 wrote

I’m talking about mowing someone down, not simply running a red light.


matzoh_ball t1_j52kcti wrote

It would help if they gave everyone who runs a red light to a stop sign a juicy ticket. But they won’t even do that since 2020.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j527yu1 wrote

Yes the police do not want to low level stuff that is for those fake cops the traffic police which are useless and not real police officers anyway. Still Brooklyn people act like animals.


franticredditperson t1_j524fjm wrote

They also need to crack down people in brooklyn with there motorcycles going brrrrrrrr on the pedestrian sidewalk. Walking on the sidewalk now feels more dangerous than on the road because of this


Darth_JarJar300 t1_j530nmn wrote

Start with people who don't put their headlights on when it's raining. Easy money for the city, there's one in every group at every light.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j531df1 wrote

there are some on the road in pitch black 11pm at night and have no headlights on. So dumb


No_Recommendation929 t1_j51x3r7 wrote

Brooklyn is big. You’re going to have to be more specific about which part of Brooklyn you’re talking about…


matzoh_ball t1_j52kmf3 wrote

I’ve seen this type of behavior all around brooklyn


co_matic t1_j52en6t wrote

Any of the southern avenues in Brooklyn starting in Midwood.


Mr1988 t1_j52u3i6 wrote

Driving on the wrong side of the road to beat traffic too


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52ug95 wrote

It seems Brooklyn makes up their own laws that are different from the rest of NYC. Even people parked at hydrants.


OutrageousForce5865 t1_j52uimu wrote

Was in a car accident and called 911. They said police are not going to the scene of accidents anymore and just exchange insurance info with other party. Not sure what they do anymore


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52upt2 wrote

sad!!! well what happens when the driver leaves the scene of the accident it becomes a crime so crazy. Cops should come it is their job!!


OutrageousForce5865 t1_j52vgvf wrote

Probably nothing. Too many other crimes to investigate. It is Wild West in NYC these days. Mayor Adams just focused on his image and next career move. NYC is over run with rats.


Bushwick_Sick_718 t1_j52hro4 wrote

Newsflash buddy, that’s pretty much everywhere in NYC lol


LionessofElam t1_j52obqz wrote

That's gotten noticeably worse, as has completely blocking intersections. There needs to be a crackdown on both of these problems. The revenue from these tickets alone could probably bring down the national debt lolol.


Solid_Angel t1_j52s9t3 wrote

"Over 130,000 moving violation summonses have been issued by police in Brooklyn, YTD November 2022."

This was a direct response to my exact post about how crazy it is in Brooklyn.


TrekkerMcTrekkerface t1_j53impt wrote

I started noticing this in earnest two months ago, red lights are now at best a stop sign, often just a yield, and sadly often completely ignored. I would say only 10% of drivers are behaving like they did 4 years ago.


Ok-Strain-9847 t1_j52ksqq wrote

Going through the 'bad parts' of Brooklyn traffic lights, even 20 years ago, was considered 'Optional'. Somehow, I doubt that has changed.


1_ofa_kind t1_j53ctve wrote

Red lights are optional in Brooklyn


yuriydee t1_j53wym2 wrote

Might as well convert them to yield signs at this point...


HDL772 t1_j52boy4 wrote

Cops still on their hissy fit strike


bkornblith t1_j52iev7 wrote

You think they’ll crack down on themselves lol


Atuk-77 t1_j52qb8i wrote

if people want to depend on cars the they should move to the suburbs, police could easily get their budget out of double parking and other traffic violations


DawgsWorld t1_j52utah wrote

That would be quality-of-life enforcement which the voters of NY said they don’t want.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52v29p wrote

I am born and raised in NYC Queens so since I came back in 19 this city is not the city I once knew. Very sad!!!!!!I did not vote for low trash and low everything lifestyle that makes NYC a third world city.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53hwge wrote

People cried against Broken Windows because cops were wasting their time on minor crimes instead of “real crimes”. Now minor shit is on the rise and people are crying that police don’t enforce broken windows. It’s a pendulum. Things will get worse before they get better.


DawgsWorld t1_j55yn1s wrote

You have it backwards and apparently don't understand Broken Windows policing. It was proven that if you enforce minor infractions, the big ones just occur much less or not at all. That's the whole basis of the theory, and it worked extremely well. Nowhere was this more evident than with turnstile jumpers. People who committed serious crimes thought nothing of fare-beating, but law enforcement was there to arrest them. More often than not, these perps had laundry lists of priors. The "minor shit" you refer to will escalate to major shit if it's not stopped. If there were issues with Broken Windows, they could have been addressed. I think most of us would agree a white person who urinates in public should be treated the same way as a person of color committing the same violation.


huebomont t1_j52v811 wrote

The cops benefit from their being no road rules because they like to speed, run reds, not pay tolls, park illegally, etc.


csgowtfisgoingon t1_j52z9zt wrote

Brooklyn probably has the highest rate of death by vehicular accidents and im sure its not not reported anywhere. I've seen enough videos of these accidents. Its crazy why they dont enforce the rules. They should put a ticketing system in place esp for that area.


pattuspl t1_j53db4b wrote

In my opinion 3rd avenue in BK is the worst for double parking.


There is also a restaurant on 4th ave and 100th which uses I think bus stop and regular space - for valet, they basically double park lol.


hoffmanmclaunsky t1_j53l8et wrote

It's insane. I've literally seen people do this shit right in front of cop cars. They do not give a shit and it makes my blood boil.


yuriydee t1_j53xdl9 wrote

They completely stopped giving a fuck after the blm riots.


MedicStryfe t1_j53mmsj wrote

I've been seeing lot of road violations lately, but running red lights are the worse. I'm always cautious when driving through some major intersections as major accidents usually happens there.

People driving blinding lights / high beams on at night (NYPD used to pull cars with none OEM blinding projector lights in the past) now everyone just does it at full brightness. It's like a laser parade for people with astigmatism. Then there's driving in the emergency lane/shoulder during traffic. Have had close calls when trying to exit because some a-hole was driving pretty recklessly at that lane illegally.

Lately it feels like I have to be super defensive all the time now. Biggest problem is the lack rule enforcement just to deter the behavior. People tend to drive better when NYPD traffic cops are actually making stops and citations.


jackwoww t1_j53nqvr wrote

Drivers have gotten so bad since the pandemic. Running red lights, speeding, brights always on, stupid loud exhaust…then there’s the ebikes constantly speeding down sidewalks, blowing lights, driving the wrong on one way streets. Such a shit show right now.


moodypisces t1_j53odyy wrote

This is why I decided to get an apartment in Queens. There’s a calmness that I can’t get in Brooklyn. I always feel on edge


bvince01 t1_j53oj1o wrote

Double parked cars and paper plates should be towed without hesitation too


langenoirx t1_j53ukp8 wrote

Brooklyn, the tri-state area

There, I fixed it for you.


Roadie66 t1_j53w07h wrote

Traffic laws basically dont exist in the Bronx, its a complete free for all.


chale122 t1_j53dnb9 wrote

op is a troll and this is a bait post


Scroticus- t1_j53ttvu wrote

sigh typical gentrifier. In my work as a community hip hop violence interruptor we find the concept of "rules" and "laws" as fundamentally a symptom of whiteness (oppression) and therefore problematic. This is a well established premise.

Calling for police action/enforcement under virtually all scenarios is deeply troubling. When you call for police enforcement of these racist and arbitrary prohibitions... what you are really doing... really what you are literally doing is holding racism's dick while he pees on your face and chuckles. That's what you do when you support fascism.

First, you must accept that this is Brooklyn, and we run red lights. I know in your cozy world of white heteronormativity "traffic safety", "respectful behavior" and being "considerate to others" are things the patriarchy has brainwashed you into valuing. But it's quite clear these are abstractions invented as tools of oppression. And let's call it what it is that's some white people shit. Straight up. I just pissed in my building's elevator WHILE MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH A LITTLE ABUELA. This is the jungle, square. Get fucking used to it. Marcy Projects representin'! Anyways.

Before we call for enforcement we must be cognizant of why these individuals are running the red light. In my doctoral thesis "Examining the 5 Stages of Hustlin: a Hip Hop Anthology'" I learned that many gang affiliated individuals of color, especially Crips, may find red lights triggering due to its association with their rival gang the Bloods. Their behavior could be explained and therefore excused by their previous trauma. These are all incredibly important considerations when we are evaluating policies.
