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actualtext t1_j31vxqx wrote

There are a bunch of taxis that are often idle in the streets or just driving around looking for hails via apps. And they make up a substantial portion of car traffic. Even before the pandemic, there was complaining because the number of taxis increased and was impacting public transit ridership. The city froze the number of TLC licenses because it was actually causing less people to take public transit. This was all pre-pandemic. So yes I do believe that reducing taxis would force more people to take the subway and reduce traffic in the process in a much more meaningful way than bike lanes.


jcliment t1_j31wgpq wrote

Or would encourage people to take their car because there will be "less traffic".

Without meaningful alternatives (more bike lanes, more MTA options) many studies tell us that removing taxis (or any other way of only reducing cars) is not a viable solution.