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Gohanto t1_j6m9pr9 wrote

OP “what if it was someone I care about that got mower down by this car right here” seems pretty self explanatory


doodoobug46 t1_j6mayip wrote

Nice strawman. There is a tattle tale hall monitor thing happening in this city now and it's really lame. What happened to you keep your head down and dont get involved in other peoples business? I blame covid and all these doo good transplants.


Beetlejuice_hero t1_j6mfblc wrote

Do you obscure your license plates? Why or why not?


doodoobug46 t1_j6mh0jq wrote

I don't have a car but if I did I would think about it.


thing01 t1_j6mps02 wrote

It’s symbolic of a larger problem, which is a lack of responsibility to the greater whole. If someone’s not accountable to the same rules as someone else the social fabric of trust deteriorates. It may not bother you, but it upsets a lot of New Yorkers. Not just transplants.


KingFriedJackass t1_j6mc3ew wrote

Ppl treating Reddit nyc forum like it’s the “nextdoor” app
