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Moist-Department2012 t1_j33vmx6 wrote


actualtext t1_j33wo2e wrote

So you're saying the nurses should stop working essentially? Kind of like they'd do in a strike?


Moist-Department2012 t1_j33xkej wrote

No, I’m saying they should leave nursing completely and let those who care about the PATIENTS keep there jobs.

If they want to strike, go apply at Starbucks or Amazon!


actualtext t1_j340rwv wrote

I definitely don't agree with this point of view. People shouldn't have to leave a profession simply because their employer doesn't want to meet or compromise on employee demands for real concerns and issues afflicting them.

Imo private unions should be completely be able to strike. Public unions I'm a bit conflicted on. I feel like employee rights and pay issues should be codified into law and should be given to all public employees.

But these aren't public employees, these are private employees and in your point of view it seems that the employer should have all say and that makes no sense to me. Completely tilts negotiating one way in favor of the employer. Why would it be OK for Starbucks or Amazon employees to strike but not nurses? Patients arent being impacted. Alternative arrangements are being made by the hospitals should they not reach an agreement. Other hospitals exist too. It's being handled as professionally as possible and they've been negotiating for a long time as well.