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meantnothingatall t1_j3capfz wrote

Starting salary at a crappy city hospital is 80Kish. That's starting, no differential or extras included in that rate, plus a pension. Truly garbage pay is usually at places like nursing homes.

I know hospitals like Mount Sinai are so cheap. I'm in healthcare, not nursing, and I applied for a job there once as a per diem. When I told them my desired rate for a job with no benefits, they told me it was "really high." I knew that wasn't true because I had already worked in the field for years. But my god it was the type of position you don't want to play around with in terms of hiring and they were taken aback by a very reasonable ask.

The bigger issue is definitely burnout. My sibling is an RN in a crazy ED and she has a RIDICULOUS amount of patients at times. She deals with all kinds of people, is threatened regularly, etc. Even with that, she said if it wasn't that short it wouldn't be so horrible. And the contract nurses she said are a BIG hit or miss. She's literally had some traveler nurses show up and do almost nothing for 3x the pay.


Atuk-77 t1_j3dhbir wrote

The finance bros in Wall Street also have a burnout problem but at least they are getting compensated for it, imagine working overtime just to afford rent!


meantnothingatall t1_j3dl53h wrote

That's not really true. I don't know why people are such sticklers for using Manhattan as the basis of affordability. My sister almost never works OT and lives very comfortably on her income. She works three days per week. She has her own one bedroom apartment. She lives in a good location (not Manhattan) that's very close to the train.

At my place, the nurses only work OT when they are short nurses.

People would say the same thing in my field (also healthcare, not as well-paid as nurses.) I used to work lots of OT and had second jobs. This was just for the extra money that I put to good use.