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Carmilla31 t1_j67d59z wrote

NYC was surprisingly quiet and i was out all night in Brooklyn.


anObscurity t1_j683223 wrote

The act was heinous but the cops are charged with murder already and they were all black which doesn’t fit the previous narrative. There’s not as big a draw for people as there was with George Floyd.


Pbpopcorn t1_j686zry wrote

The pandemic is “over” so to speak, so people are out and about on Friday nights now (restaurants, bars, social gatherings, etc). I think since lots of people were bored at home in 2020 and spent all their time glued to the news/doom scrolling, more people participated in the protests. I bet if there hadn’t been a pandemic the George Floyd protests wouldn’t have been as big -it gave people an excuse to gather when gatherings were essentially banned. Not sure why I’m being downvoted and I don’t care lol


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_j68c80s wrote

I agree that a significant portion of the energy of the 2020 ones came from disquiet over the lockdowns, even if people denied it since it wasn’t the ostensible reason for them.


ImJackieNoff t1_j68lr9n wrote

In the early summer of 2020, there was nothing to do because everything was shut down. The weather across the country was really amazing (warm, not hot, low humidity). It was an election year with half the country pissed off about Trump being President and at the prospect of 4 more years of him. The media actively encouraged people to protest. Those confluence of factors lead to what we had at that time.


bigredpancake1 t1_j69pq6m wrote

^^ I’m positive the George Floyd protests wouldn’t have been nearly as big if Covid hadn’t happened


EWC_2015 t1_j696a77 wrote

>I bet if there hadn’t been a pandemic the George Floyd protests wouldn’t have been as big -it gave people an excuse to gather when gatherings were essentially banned.

I found myself wondering if this was true in the aftermath when things had "quieted down" so to speak. I was expecting similar events last night given just how BAD this case is, but it was surprisingly quiet. NBC reported it as "protests erupt" across the country and the shots they showed of Memphis, Boston, and NYC had remarkably small crowds.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bh61g wrote

I think the opposite. A lot of people who would've protested didn't, because of the virus. Releasing the video after criminal charges were already announced made a big difference.


Pbpopcorn t1_j6blecd wrote

I don’t think so. Anecdotally but I knew people who were afraid to go outside/gather because of covid but made an exception just for George Floyd protests, including one of my immunocompromised friends. It was as if it was dangerous to go to central park because of covid unless it was for BLM (before people knew outdoor spread was minimal)


averageuhbear t1_j68tvrg wrote

I think your framing is half-correct, but I feel it's a little deeper than boredom and doom scrolling. The pandemic was a real shock to the system, and change messes with our wiring, created an environment of fear, etc. I think Trump played a role as well.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bg7v0 wrote

The cops were charged before the video was released, it made a difference.


sternfan1523 t1_j6fav2l wrote

It’s 100% this lol it’s so obvious most of the energy was from people having nothing else to do and going a bit crazy. There would have been protests but not to nearly the level.


AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_j68fu8e wrote

The previous narrative was that officials drag their feet when it comes to consequences.

It's not like black cops really get a pass for the same bullshit.


brickmaj t1_j68hmsv wrote

And it’s cold out. If this happened in the summer the response would be very different


Carmilla31 t1_j68scji wrote

It was 40 degrees. It wasnt that cold to explain why it was that quiet.


iv2892 t1_j68wub1 wrote

It was around 35 degrees and it was chilly last night . Not extremely cold, specially for nyc . But that is very different than being in the 70s or low 80s by late may /early June


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j69n2uv wrote

Nah, cause it was freezing out when the first mass protests happened after Eric Garner.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bmt60 wrote

Because, that cop wasn't charged (still hasn't been) or even fired when the video of his murder was released. He wasn't fired until years later. Their arrests preceded the video and that made a big difference


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bn0be wrote

Big difference between the two videos. And the dude was fired. You seem confused.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bnon4 wrote

He was fired five years later.


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bnyl1 wrote

Correct. After that officer pleaded with garner for 12 minutes to go peacefully (watch the full video), garner still refused. Never should have been fired


Westiemom666 t1_j6bo96c wrote

I've seen the video and disagree, he used a banned chokehold.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bog2x wrote

That of course, wasn't as brutal as this murder or George Floyd's. The bar has been lowered, what seemed brutal in 2014 is less so compared to the more recent cases.


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bp1l5 wrote

You can disagree all you want, the Garner situation is absolutely nothing like Floyd or the current situation. That’s a simple fact. That choke hold was about as lethal as a toddler w a water gun.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bp5wy wrote

Cause if death: manslaughter


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bpd04 wrote

No, cause of death was heart failure brought on by intense physical struggle after decades of health neglect. No one forced Garner to be morbidly obese and refuse lawful orders for 12 minutes.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bpozh wrote

You should tell the city medical examiner that:


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bpsc8 wrote

I don’t need to. Manslaughter just means it wasn’t by natural means. And clearly deciding to fight the police isn’t by natural means.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bq0i4 wrote

He died from the officer's compression of his neck. I didn't write out his death certificate, it is what it is. Over and out, blessed be.


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bqi63 wrote

After he refused to comply with lawful ordersfor 12 whole minutes. He absolutely did not die from that compression to his neck, he was breathing and talking after that half assed “choke hold” was enacted. There’s an entire video for you to watch. The guy was morbidly obese and decided to fight the cops after being asked nicely for 12 ENTIRE MINUTES TO COMPLY. Unfortunately his heart failed him. No one wanted him to die. It sucked. But he had no reason to not comply with lawful orders for 12 minutes. Sorry dude. God bless.


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j68rgn8 wrote

>which doesn’t fit the previous narrative

The previous (and still current narrative) is that the system is racist. This 100% fist the "narrative" (aka reality).


Guypussy t1_j6965c4 wrote

Don’t worry, outlets like NYT and WaPo wasted no time shoveling the narrative that despite their skin color those five black cops could very well have been moved to mercilessly beat that young black man because of the almost certainly racist white cops they work with.


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j69777p wrote

Why do so many people describe reality as being a "narrative?"

If nothing else it's super hivemindy that so many people speak in the same jargon.

Anyway, this is not the "narrative" busting gotcha y'all seem to think it is. Everyone all along has been saying the issue is systemic racism, not individual racist people. When the system is racist the color of the people acting on behalf of the racist system doesn't matter.


cranberryskittle t1_j69r1j0 wrote

Those are Kafkaesque mental gymnastics.


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j69rfda wrote

It’s pretty simple and linear, actually. Skin color doesn’t matter for those acting in support of a racist system, they are still acting in support of a racist system.

All this illustrates is you don’t understand systemic racism.


quaid31 t1_j6dedko wrote

The chief of police at Memphis is a black woman. Is she part of the racist system as well?


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j6dpz8n wrote

Another person raising their hand to show they just don't understand systemic racism, and, seemingly, proudly don't want to make any attempt to understand.

When people say the American policing system is racist they are speaking about law enforcement as a whole, our entire system. One Black women in a position of power, even if she is stridently anti-racist, isn't going to address that.


quaid31 t1_j6f17z6 wrote

Thanks for sharing your assumptions about me. Have a good night.


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j6ffyeu wrote

No need to assume with what's in your comment.

It's the same as saying "America can't be racist, Obama was president"

Also, the fact you honed in on the first part of my comment, and not the exploration of systemic racism really shows you have no interest in learning.

G'day M'lady


RayzTheRoof t1_j6gp9nw wrote

Yeah I was just gonna say that people keep writing off shit as a "narrative".


HeraMyJK t1_j6akiib wrote

The “narrative” is the need for police reform. For decades black and brown people have known that just because they look like you doesn’t mean they won’t kill you just the same.


Shmup-em-up t1_j68mv5l wrote

According to Hawk Newsome:

“So, even if there are no white people involved, it’s still white supremacy”

They will try to make it fit the narrative.


WantedFireBlast t1_j69zwui wrote

By that logic, people can't be racist to their own race. That makes no logical sense.


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j68roqi wrote

again with "narrative"

Whatever, the system is racist. The cops being Black doesn't matter.


Shmup-em-up t1_j68u8p1 wrote

The “system”. Democrats have for all but 5 years held majority since 1959. You would think they would have fixed that by now.


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j68uu1g wrote

You seem to think I don't think Democrats are racists, or if Democrats haven't solved a problem therefore the problem doesn't exist. Partisan politics makes idiots out of people.,


Mammoth_Sprinkles705 t1_j6jytk3 wrote

Redditers definitely think Democrats aren't racist they keep telling everyone to vote for them.

By definition of you voted for Joe Biden are voting to continue to propagate the racist system.


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j6kbaj1 wrote

They were replying to me, not "redditers:

So they used very bad technique assuming that my beliefs were those of "redditers"

The last part of your comment "by definition" is just dumb. You can think Democrats are racist and vote for them as the lesser of two evils, the least racist of the two racist parties.

Y'all are just bad at logic, it seems (Y'all being you and the OP I replied to)


Shmup-em-up t1_j68w6ma wrote

Racist is saying even though it’s not white people, it’s white people.


Big-Figure-8184 t1_j68xoyf wrote

tell me you still don't understand systemic racism without saying you don't understand systemic racism.

At least you gave up your Democrat whataboutism argument, I guess.


Bma1500 t1_j69qs2k wrote

Now I get it. YOU’RE the victim in all this. We’ll go with that narrative


apartment-seeker t1_j6feir0 wrote

In Tennessee? In Memphis? Since 1959?

I don't really agree with woke politics or the systemic racism narrative, but, to the extent there are structural problems, Democrats can't just fix them. There isn't some piece of legislation they can just repeal to make the law enforcement system less racist.

I think it's safe to say that police officers have, for many decades, felt they can get away with savagery towards Blacks more easily than against Whites (leaving other races out of the equation for the moment). A lot of the cops committing these offenses might very well be willing to apply their brutality in color-blind fashion, and are just less-deterred when the victim is Black.

But Democrats are political dunces, and White liberals tend to be naive and overtaken by some misguided desire to genuflect for any Black or Hispanic claiming there is racism nowadays, and want to make this about race all the time. It's really about the fact that, legally, police in this country get away with waaaaay too much and have gotten away with way too much for far too long. It's totally inconsistent with the free, rule-of-law society Americans are supposed to believe we have.


Dantheking94 t1_j6bp6g1 wrote

I’m confused at this supposed narrative. The fact breonna Taylor’s murderers are still free speaks to the fact that because these police officers are black is why Justice happened so quickly. Your memory maybe short but people have a list.


anObscurity t1_j6crak0 wrote

Don’t get mad at me I’m just explaining to OP why not many people went out, not saying I agree with it


jeniesque t1_j6bmvwl wrote

The “narrative” is more complex than you think Racism is a big part of it, but also the fact that it’s wrong for officers of the state to murder people with no due process.


sileegranny t1_j67ebii wrote

I saw caravans of cop cars driving with traffic. The cops were yawning.


_Maxolotl t1_j696fnn wrote

Not enough time between the video being released and the announced time of protests.

Also this video is awful but it doesn't have the same close up or broad daylight smirking evil of the cops who murdered George Floyd while bystanders begged them to stop.

And, yes, as others have said, it's winter. And society doesn't have the same pent up rage as it did in the summer of 2020 - but that doesn't mean we're immune to serious civil unrest. Cops will keep committing atrocities. It's only a matter of time before another video comes out midweek, in the summer.


JohnBsGhost t1_j697m9w wrote

It’s the speed. If cops were punished this quickly and forced to bare some of the financial burden of a lawsuit protests wouldn’t happen.


kraftpunkk t1_j6729f0 wrote

Was the police car parked illegally is the real question.


easyxtarget t1_j67jl7p wrote

You know the answer


jagenigma t1_j68413g wrote

They always are.


devolka t1_j68ef9w wrote

Come to think of it... Have I ever seen a police car legally parked?


abluedeagle t1_j68mgyc wrote

Ah yes, smashing an illegally parked vehicle is a perfectly reasonable response /s


murder_inc_ t1_j6a0y3m wrote

Almost as reasonable as beating someone to death for "driving recklessly" or "resisting arrest".


Insanezer0x t1_j682zmn wrote

100s is low in time square


justnycthangs t1_j6a76rm wrote

It’s dumb that people are protesting in a completely different city. Go to Memphis with that anger.


1600hazenstreet t1_j6767gs wrote

mostly peaceful, when cars and buildings are not set on fire.


dytele t1_j687xtu wrote

So 10


jjd13001 t1_j69wu71 wrote

I was shocked by how mild the reaction to this was compared to the George Floyd protests, barely heard about any protests going on which is shocking because the video of his arrest is horrific and blatant police brutality


Big_Red-Wade- t1_j6ar2w9 wrote

Police held accountable so it’s not as egregious to most people it seems


TheLastHotBoy t1_j6hnaui wrote

Really they arrested over a hundred because one guy broke a windshield. lol nice job NYPigD.


brihamedit t1_j692s7n wrote

Zero things to gain from smashing pd car window. Real effective stuff would be messaging and attention. Unfortunately all enthusiastic parties (just like blm and other protesters) are anarchists and looking to enjoy some chaos. That stuff will not yield any benefits.

What's really needed is getting politician's attention and making them acknowledge the right messaging for reform and getting many of them together to agree and take action to reform.

Right messaging is simple - pd has gone full rogue and self serving. They can't be allowed to make their own rules and decide their own fate. Whole thing has to be sorted out with new rules, new standards and new bosses.


jimlaregina t1_j68ppix wrote

It would not surprise me if the "protestor" who smashed the police car windshield were an agent provocateur.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j67hl9n wrote

On the topic of police violence, remember that not every representative in NYC voted in favor of the "Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022".

These were the votes against the bill by the representatives from NYC:

  • Malliotakis (R)
  • Ocasio-Cortez (D)
  • Zeldin (R)


gambalore t1_j67vh2c wrote

Lee Zeldin’s district was entirely on Long Island, not part of NYC.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j68q8ir wrote

He might still run for governor again and show up in the ballots in NYC. I don’t see the downside of remembering it.


gambalore t1_j68rwa2 wrote

No way is he going to be able to defeat soon-to-be Governor Santos. I’ve never seen such a qualified candidate.


ardvarkforce t1_j6buo1o wrote

Did you hear he was the 3rd man on the moon? Now that's a qualified candidate.


thoughtsarefalse t1_j67rrxj wrote

I wonder if AOC voted no because it wasnt enough? Odd that she would vote no for any other reason.


gambalore t1_j67vpts wrote

AOC and other progressives voted against the bill because of a lack of any kind of accountability attached to the bill or the training and because it was fast-tracked to the floor without going through committee where there might have been a chance to add some teeth to it. Basically Congress wanted to pass something that made it seem like they were doing something about policing without actually doing anything about policing and the people who actually care about the issue saw through it.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j68qu6b wrote

The link you gave was about the Invest to Protect Act, which is a different bill.

Still a bad vote, in my opinion. But not applicable to NYC because the NYPD has more than 125 officers.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j68uvtv wrote

A big part of that bill was to fund the DOJ to research/develop a model police training program that can used across police departments in the country.

It’s kind of pointless to say we are not going to vote for a bill that didn’t have studies associated with it, when the bill itself is also supposed to help produce such studies.


dearestramona t1_j672hjo wrote

only 100? that’s disappointing


devolka t1_j68ec0o wrote

The video was released in thr middle of the day on a Friday. Protests will be organized. I'm positive of that.


karmapuhlease t1_j68l9i6 wrote

It was released at 7:00 p.m. on a Friday night.


devolka t1_j68n1d0 wrote

Exactly. You don't organize a protest on that timeliness. There will be GLOBAL protests


ZA44 t1_j69ma2t wrote

Over what? The cops were arrested and charged.


devolka t1_j69qxs6 wrote

That might be the fucking stupid question ever asked on Reddit.


Brain dead. George Floyd doesn't ring a bell, moron?


ZA44 t1_j6a31h7 wrote

I think you’re a troll, or just not very smart.



devolka t1_j6a72hl wrote

Lol. You think I'm stupid.... you think their won't be protests because the cops are already charged.

I'm pointing out that this is an incredibly stupid idea since George Floyd's muederer, Derek Chauvin, was fired the day after the murder and arrested 4 days later on March 29.

Since you're clearly an idiot.... here.

A list of George Floyd international protests on all 7 continents.

Global protests AFTER Derek Chauvin was arrested.

Now I think YOUR the troll


ZA44 t1_j6a8js7 wrote

Yeah I don’t think you’re very smart, look at how you spell. The George Floyd protests (and the riots) were a perfect storm of lockdown anxiety, warm weather and a heinous police brutality video being released. You have nothing to protest because the cops are being held accountable for their crimes.


devolka t1_j6abwpc wrote

You claimed there wouldn't be global protests because they were already arrested.

That was incredibly stupid. Now you want to make a different argument.


Carmilla31 t1_j6921m1 wrote

We knew all week it was going to be released this week.


devolka t1_j69h5b1 wrote

But we hadn't seen it. Most people are going to protest after seeing the video.


TooMuchSun t1_j6au7nf wrote

Why the fuck would people in Africa protest something that happened in the US? Or the Middle East? Asia?


Grass8989 t1_j677clk wrote

Considered they seemed to be violent and destructive, I’d imagine most real activists wouldn’t want to be associated with this group.


Uiluj t1_j67zcd8 wrote

A 100 people and one broken windshield. Pretty sure 100 ants would've been a more violent and destructive force.


SarahAlicia t1_j67cevb wrote

Great so my tax money is being spent paying these guys OT so they can put some bricks next to their car to make a protest “violent” and to jail 3 people and for court for 3 people and they are going to spend way more than the amount needed to replace a windshield to line their pockets. Not to mention the millions we have to pay to cover the settlements for their recreational murders which is the reason people protest in the first place. Oh and they closed down a public space, grand central, further inconveniencing me. These pigs suck the city dry.


Extension_Gap2319 t1_j6878rm wrote

Why are they downvoting facts? There is an element of intra racial discourse that will override the effectiveness or desire for police brutality protests. This is about Black people dehumanizing other Black people in efforts to distinguish themselves as deserving of rewards and benefits of white supremacy. Ain't no catchy slogan for that. Cops are scared, not this one, but the next explicitly obvious racist cop killing is the one they are terrified of.


SarahAlicia t1_j67cwo8 wrote

About 3 weeks ago i saw a “protest” with 10 people and 20 cops just standing around “just in case”. Truly such a waste of money. They cannot stand the idea of free speech. They have to meet unarmed protesters with double the numbers and guns. Absolute leeches on our economy.


Grass8989 t1_j67rb4o wrote

We get it, you hate and want to abolish the police.


Bluehorsesho3 t1_j68iq7y wrote

Actually the leadership hates the police probably even more than the public. There's a reason union presidents in the NYPD were embezzling a million dollars in union funds and there has been no contract update in six years. Corruption. Just look up former SBA union president Ed Mullins. Keep the cops submissive and salty so they resent the public instead of looking inward.


Extension_Gap2319 t1_j687trw wrote

So glad you understand that the runaway slave catchers of yesteryear, who became the police is an unloved and unwanted entity 85% of the time. Your are wanted in situations of danger, when called, only.

And let's be honest, cops are barely competent when you do have to call them when in actual danger or victim of a crime.


PreuBite t1_j68e6f1 wrote

Cops descending from runaway slave catchers is a false narrative created by the media to promote racial hate. The concept of a police force goes back to the earliest civilizations, as all peoples have needed a non military force to enforce the societies laws and the peace among peoples.


Sickpup831 t1_j68hacj wrote

In fact, back in medieval times, a lot of adventurers would become cops after something happened to them like taking an arrow to the knee.


Grim-Reality t1_j687e2s wrote

Yeah it is ridiculous, your absolutely right in both accounts. People are just really dumb.


[deleted] OP t1_j68cv1o wrote



devolka t1_j68e6l5 wrote

Yeah. They LOVE it when young black fathers are beaten to death in the street.

You're. A. Piece. Of. FiFYI.



CavediverNY t1_j68firk wrote

The movement itself is extremely worthwhile, but there have been these very troubling allegations that to the best of my knowledge have never been really cleared up.


devolka t1_j68izj4 wrote

To your point: Sometimes the accusation is more powerful than the proof. LMK if this ever gets sorted out but (abd maybe this is well earn cynicism) but when reporters are "just asking questions" and don't actually uncover anything... I often think it's because they looked and there was nothing there but they were committed to the article so they hide in vagaries.

I'll readdress my position on this if and when so.eone has an actually allegation.

But grifters gonna grift. Any time you have large sums of cash, someone is going to try to turn this to an advantage.

But also people suck at managing money.

I'm focused on the message and the movement.


CavediverNY t1_j68k4ca wrote

For one reason or another all media reporting seems to have stopped back in May last year. I did go to the BLM main page and I have to admit… The “explanation” seems lacking to me.


devolka t1_j68n673 wrote

Maybe there was nothing there. 🤷🏿


CavediverNY t1_j68siib wrote

That’s one possibility I suppose


devolka t1_j68tvhv wrote

I just don't have the time or resources to conduct an investigation myself.

And largely I don't care. What's thr WORST thing I'm going to discover? Someone close to a BLM charity was stealing money?

Okay. That sucks. I hope they get caught. Changes nothing about BLM for me.


bzr t1_j68l27f wrote

You sound like tucker Carlson stuck his dick in your ear. Maybe use the computer you used for posting this to do some actual research and critical thinking. Yelling something loudly doesn’t make your dumbass opinion true.

Sorry if I just took a shit on you but I’m tired of hearing Fox News propaganda spewed by boomers who refuse to do any critical thinking. The constant negativity without any solutions is beyond tiring for the rest of us.


GooseSpringsteenJrJr t1_j68ipcw wrote

BLM is a movement not an organization. There was someone NOT involved trying to take advantage of people. Try not to be so unbelievably racist and horrible. But it must be tough with those cop boots shoved so far down your throat.
