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boomzgoesthedynamite t1_j5odwkt wrote

See if it gets fixed in 30 days before you type this out, that’s the issue. It gets referred to the agency and then lost. It’s not 311’s fault- but it’s not unusual.


braininjury5000 t1_j5of37v wrote

Hahahaha yes, basically *all* my 311 cases over the last decade were closed quickly and never resolved.


seejordan3 t1_j5q3pl6 wrote

You've just killed the thread of hope I've been hanging onto for two years our tree well might get a living tree someday. Thanks.


squindar t1_j5sbc7s wrote

you can probably buy a sapling for $100, plant it yourself & watch it grow for 5 years before the Street Tree planting folks will be able to get around to it

Get a tulip poplar. They grow fast.


k1lk1 t1_j5poif2 wrote

Absolutely. It's really silly we're giving pats on the back to the city here when the problem isn't yet fixed. 311 tickets being closed erroneously is very common, and for certain classes of issue (e.g. crosswalk being blocked), it's basically the only way tickets get closed.


RelativeLeather5759 OP t1_j5pvrfa wrote

Good to know, I didn't realize that they might still not fix it. I will follow up with them and this thread to update everyone!


andagainandagain- t1_j5r4bgd wrote

Yup. All of my reports are closed out within minutes with 0 actual resolution.