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09star t1_j5ofn7w wrote

Unfortunately, I've had to call 311 a few times due to a noisy neighbor and I have learned that you get the "case closed" text whether or not anything actually gets done about it.


Lovis_Iovis t1_j5ojjbx wrote

It depends on which department it gets forwarded to. 311 is kind of just like a switchboard that redirects to the proper agency. If it gets directed to NYPD, you can expect nothing to happen. They decided three years ago that they don’t have to do their jobs anymore.


PKMKII t1_j5pzw2z wrote

Conversely, DEP is pretty good about getting leaking hydrants fixed quickly.


Lovis_Iovis t1_j5q4e4q wrote

And the Parks Department is good about sending rangers to help sick or injured animals in parks.


squindar t1_j5saz0m wrote

100% true

although I HAVE managed to get an NYPD response (twice!) via 311 for traffic lights that are out at an intersection (I call 311, tell them there's a traffic light out at an intersection & it's going to cause an accident; they transfer me to 911 & they will actually send cops)


scream4cheese t1_j5si3uk wrote

Traffic light is dept of transportation jurisdiction not police.


squindar t1_j5vd091 wrote

I am aware. They send cops to control the intersection / report the condition to DOT, and then (usually) wait for DOT to come fix it.


PretendAct8039 t1_j5opkit wrote

If they show up at a time when the neighbors are quiet, case closed. I even reported noise in the back yard and they didn’t bother coming inside.


le_suck t1_j5q363c wrote

definitely agree with the other posters suggesting it's department based. I've had pretty good luck with DEP and DOT, zero luck with NYPD except for one abandoned vehicle that i managed to get towed after three attempts.