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witty__username5 t1_j5yhj13 wrote

E train from Jamaica to Manhattan in 25 minutes? This author has obviously no idea what they are talking about.


CaptainKoconut t1_j5yu7et wrote

They also act as if at Jamacia and Atlantic Terminal you are magically whooshed from the LIRR to subway instead of having to walk a fair distance.


doodle77 t1_j5zhbhz wrote

It's a much shorter walk than the one from the deep new terminal to the surface.


Chehew t1_j5ym3a8 wrote

Closer to 32 minutes, assuming there’s no delays.


doodle77 t1_j5zh1z6 wrote

It is scheduled for 26 minutes travel time to 53/Lex. E trains are scheduled to run every 4 minutes during rush hour.


maverick4002 t1_j5zxvz8 wrote

That aside, the rest of the criticisms seem very valid, no?

Also, there was a comment yesterday about the commute and the poster said it barely saved anytime over the train


lithomangcc t1_j6024az wrote

Comparing to the E train from Jamaica, who is going to get off at Jamaica and take the subway after paying the ridiculous LIRR fare?


oplus t1_j613lab wrote

Aaron Gordon is a well respected transit writer who has covered the subway for years. And I was skeptical of the speed too, but you can get between Lex and the end of the E in 29 minutes according to Google maps.


SirJoeffer t1_j69o0nj wrote

It’s possible but it’s really optimistic.

Coming from uptown you have to transfer to the R to Queens Plaza to get to the E. So you’re waiting for your downtown train, your transfer to the E, and then the E. When the trains are running its nice but delays are going to fuck you. Plus the E is admittedly very nice when its running express but at night when its local its a slog. You gotta wait like 20 minutes for a train and then you’re looking at an hour from that point to get to Penn Station. And then there’s been the problem w Jamaica station being shut down on the weekends/at night so you need to take a shuttle bus. There’s just a lot of variables that can drastically effect the time. So it can be 30 minutes and during peak times on weekdays it runs well enough (still not enough trains though lol) but speaking as someone who makes a daily commute from the Bronx to Jamaica the subway just really sucks getting you there consistently.