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Front_Spare_2131 t1_j518f8r wrote

Freeloaders? How exactly do you freeload off a landlord? If you don’t pay, you get evicted.


oceanblue966 t1_j51blyz wrote

What about the eviction moratorium? You literally could not evict people for years, and even prior to COVID, NYC is a tenant-friendly city. Imagine evicting someone after 2 years and not even getting back-pay since they don't have any assets to seize via court. And at the same time, you are paying maintenance, prop taxes, and still have to service them as a landlord.

Literal theft.

There's a reason now you need to make x amount the rent because they don't want broke asses who can barely afford the rent deciding to spend the money elsewhere.


Front_Spare_2131 t1_j51dxdw wrote

Maybe we should check and see what was done the last time there was a pandemic of this magnitude with ppl losing their jobs and everything

The funny thing is if govt would have sat back and did nothing, ppl would have complained about that too

I guess from your point of view LLs are exempt from planning for a rainy day

What were they doing prior to the pandemic when ppl were not paying rent

I used to work for an L&T firm, ppl have always not paid rent

If everybody paid rent Housing Court would prolly have like 2-3 cases a month

Most LLs who got hurt by the pandemic were small time LLs relying on the tenants to pay their mortgages, which is bad business anyway

PS: how is it that all these ppl got fraudulent PPP loans and these LLs couldnt get a penny, since they’re complaining about not being able to pay bills?


oceanblue966 t1_j51wn9w wrote

Prior to the pandemic, there was no eviction moratorium. While it still took a while to evict (which shouldn't be the case if its unreasonably long).

"Most LLs who got hurt by the pandemic were small time LLs relying on the tenants to pay their mortgages, which is bad business anyway" so you'd rather big corporations own huge buildings and hundreds of units, just because they can weather over a "rainy day"?

The courts are backed up to hell, there is no justice for LL's atm.

PPP isn't for a landlord renting out a few-unit building or a house...


idratherbeintamriel t1_j54hzgi wrote

They had a shit business model and it bit them in the ass. Oh well. Sell the building to the tenants and maybe they should get a second job.


oceanblue966 t1_j54yve0 wrote

So when two parties mutually sign a lease contract, you expect the landlord to hold up their end of the bargain (provide the domicile, keep it in operating order, pay property taxes, maintenance, and other agreed upon terms in the lease like heat/hot water), and keep the rent the same for x months or years.

Yet you think tenants should not adhere to the contract they agreed to?

When housing courts are backed up, what happens when a landlord isn't adhering to their end of the bargain? Landlords are taking advantage of this as well, why do you think so many issues like rodents are never dealt with?

A "shit business model" would be buying a property for way above what it can rent for, and then not finding tenants that can afford the rent. Not contractually-obligated tenants to skip out on paying, due to the government intervening and essentially modifying a legally binding contract.

And the tenants wouldn’t be bumming off a landlord if they were in any position or state of mind to buy, so that is a moot point. Or you just want people to give up their property for free that they paid for, is what you’re saying.

You sound like the NYPD.


Creepy_Indication_67 t1_j51v9wh wrote

Screw the landlords

Screw these bums that could pay but didn't

Screw the housing market


idratherbeintamriel t1_j54hw8t wrote

Get a second job


oceanblue966 t1_j54zv9r wrote

Thats what right-wingers say when you can’t afford basic necessities. Except this time, you’re trying to steal from someone else, who is likely not a rich elite themselves. Stop hurting your fellow humans.

Also, have fun renting forever. Or not, as evictions on your record will never allow you to rent again from any landlord who gives a shit.