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oceanblue966 t1_j54yve0 wrote

So when two parties mutually sign a lease contract, you expect the landlord to hold up their end of the bargain (provide the domicile, keep it in operating order, pay property taxes, maintenance, and other agreed upon terms in the lease like heat/hot water), and keep the rent the same for x months or years.

Yet you think tenants should not adhere to the contract they agreed to?

When housing courts are backed up, what happens when a landlord isn't adhering to their end of the bargain? Landlords are taking advantage of this as well, why do you think so many issues like rodents are never dealt with?

A "shit business model" would be buying a property for way above what it can rent for, and then not finding tenants that can afford the rent. Not contractually-obligated tenants to skip out on paying, due to the government intervening and essentially modifying a legally binding contract.

And the tenants wouldn’t be bumming off a landlord if they were in any position or state of mind to buy, so that is a moot point. Or you just want people to give up their property for free that they paid for, is what you’re saying.

You sound like the NYPD.