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Bleach-Bones_Jones t1_j3jppau wrote

hospital CEO takes a 1.3 million dollar salary, they can afford to pay the nurses more, and avoid this entire thing. They need to be paid a living wage to survive. So you think a nurse is to blame should prioritize patient health over having a roof over their children's heads and food in their stomach. Oh yes let's blame those nurses and not the disgusting millionaire hospital administration that can afford to pay these nurses at least 4x the wage they're getting. You'll get down voted because you're pointing the finger at the wrong people.


Conscious_Card6261 t1_j3jqfyb wrote

I am strictly talking about the right to strike. Do you think that the right to strike out ways the consequences that would come because of it? Are you willing to accept the deaths of people while nurses are out protesting?


Omphalos- t1_j3jvweo wrote

I feel like the point you are missing, is that it is the suits willing to let people die because they won't pay for more nurses.


Bleach-Bones_Jones t1_j3nuk72 wrote

You're missing the point I'm making here.

The nurses are making a starving wage. The nurses do not want to strike. They want to be able to feed their family and pay their rent. Correct? The CEO'S of the hospitals can decide to pay their nurses enough and this will be avoided. They HAVE the money to pay these nurses but they don't want to. THEYRE the ones that are killing people. Full stop. Even before the strike they would schedule the shifts so badly that patients were suffering that there weren't enough nurses. This has been happening for years through the pandemic, the strike that's happening right now is because the nurses are exhausted from holding up the weight of the healthcare system. The strike is happening because of the injustice that these nurses are being forced to work insane overtime and at horrible wages. If you were in the hospital for a heart attack would you want to be treated by a staff that hasn't slept in 3 days? Seriously, answer that question. These nurses aren't sleeping. And now these nurses who are literally giving up their entire life and going hungry are being harassed and bullied by people online who share your viewpoint. ITS THE CEOS FAULT FOR NOT STAFFING ENOUGH AND NOT PAYING THEIR WORKERS A LIVING WAGE. FULL STOP. YOU ARE POINTING THE FINGER AT THE WRONG PEOPLE.

Edited to add: striking is the nurses only bargaining chip. Otherwise the ceo's will keep cutting staff, increasing hours, and as the price of living increases, the wages will not increase. The ceo's have fucked the healcare system over greed and it's at the breaking point. Striking is the only option these nurses have.


beestingers t1_j3jr3r6 wrote

If they took that CEO bonus and spread it among the striking nurses, they would have gotten a $155 bonus each. I think they're asking for more money than that.


Bleach-Bones_Jones t1_j3nw5hh wrote

Where did i talk about a bonus or splitting the bonus? I'm talking about hospital ceo's taking more money and bleeding hospitals dry for greed. You're being purposefully obtuse


beestingers t1_j3ohf67 wrote

The math doesn't math but maybe you confuse simple division for being purposefully obtuse.